The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Will Ya Look At Us?

Programming note: SNY's Mets Weekly is scheduled to feature Team FAFIF holding forth on any number of Mets issues this weekend. Tune in and see us there if you can't get enough of us here.

No, they didn't place cameras behind our respective bathroom mirrors while we muttered to ourselves after the 14-inning loss to San Diego (though that would make for quite the reality show). We taped something with them the other day and they say they'll use it unless they have to cut away to the Benny Ayala Windsurfing Pro-Am, live from Waikiki.

Not that we care about being on TV or anything, but Mets Weekly airs at 12:30 pm Saturday; 6:30 pm Saturday; 12:30 am Sunday; 7:00 pm Sunday; 11:30 pm Sunday and intermittently throughout the week. To be on the safe side, just leave your set on SNY, plant yourself on your couch and gaze intently.

I do that most days.

8 comments to Will Ya Look At Us?

  • Anonymous

    Oh no! You're leaving print for the Dark Side! First the Yankee cap, then television.You don't have a Chipper Jones poster somewhere?
    Good luck, guys. Sorry we can't get that station out here in Michigan.

  • Anonymous

    You mean they don't have Snigh bars in Western Michigan?

  • Anonymous

    Just when I thought I could accept being SNY-deprived…
    Although they do show Mets Weekly on the DiamondVision at Shea before games, so I guess I'll just have to get there early for the game(s) I'm going to next week.

  • Anonymous

    Jessica, we could question your geography (no SNY?), but not your priorities. Perhaps Shea will open its doors tomorrow just for this world premiere.

  • Anonymous

    It's not a matter of geography, it's a matter of NYU being too cheap to add new channels to its campus cable package despite charging over 40 grand a year. Funny how that didn't bother me when all of the Yankee fans whined about not being able to watch YES in their dorm rooms.

  • Anonymous

    40 grand? Geez.
    At least all of New York is your campus. (That was the line they used when my sister went there 30 years ago.)
    With Mets fever running as high as it is, I imagine every bar in town will be showing Mets Weekly. Every electronics store window, too.

  • Anonymous

    Very suave.
    But the faux-orange background was kind of jarring.
    What, no ferns?

  • Anonymous

    We taped something with them the other day and they say they'll use it unless they have to cut away to the Benny Ayala Windsurfing Pro-Am, live from Waikiki.
    I'll be damned. They actually did cut away. To the NFL draft so we could watch green paint dry. I actually wasn't watching, but I got a call from my father's girlfriend who cursed out football for intruding on our moment. Checked the DVR, and sure enough, they dared interrupt not just us, but Mr. Met.
    It airs again later. And again after that. And again and again. That's why it's hard to stay mad at Snigh.