The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Ignore, this will be gone soon.


11 comments to Test

  • Joe D.


    Best thing you’ve ever written!

  • If this post is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

  • Ignore, this will be gone soon.

    He told me the same thing about Castillo.

  • Glad you guys are enjoying it, at least.

    Technorati’s blog claiming procedure … ugh.

  • Inside Pitcher


    I mean B

    Damn test….

  • Joe D.


    Nearly ten hours and it hasn’t gone yet!

  • Don’t hold your breath. Technorati message says claiming procedure could take quite a long time. UGH!

  • The Mets are saying the Test post is day-to-day. Also, they’re gonna fly it from Atlanta to Colorado.

  • Dave Pucks

    This six word post has changed my life. Let’s examine it in the rich detail that it deserves:

    First of all, the message asks us to ignore it. But in reading the post – we clearly haven’t ignored it. We could disregard it maybe in the future, but the act of reading it makes it impossible to have ignored it.

    And what is the point of the post’s reference to the fact that the post itself will be gone soon? Of course – we can only read that message when it is in fact not gone. So it is a useless and paradoxical point to make. It is a dangerous piece of anti-logic that can mess with the fabric of the space-time continium.

    And of course – with every passing hour – the message is not gone. So this simple six word message is both impossible and self-contradictory. Not only can’t we ignore it – it, in fact, was not gone soon.

    And that leaves us with nothing. That is, nothing but the cyptic title: Test.


    What is that?

    A simple imperative. A request? No, I believe it is a demand. We must test. In our lives – in everything we think and believe. We must never accept anything at face value. We have to always Test – always try to figure it out – to verify – to confirm.

    And that, friends, is what this simple message has inspired me to do. Yes, I will test. I will look deeper, live fuller, question louder. And I will never, for an instant, forget that life, like the message, will be gone soon. Those fleeting moments are the very stuff that our life is made of.

    And all this is thanks to this earth shaking 6 word post – I will never ever forget that – and I will never ever be the same.

    Thank you, bless you, and for goodness sakes: Let’s Go Mets.

    David Pucks –

  • mikeski

    Some of George Lucas’ best work, that one.