- Faith and Fear in Flushing - https://www.faithandfearinflushing.com -

Shadowy Figures Lost & Found

Charlie Hangley, one of the readers who makes our Faith and Fear community [1] such a nice place to live, recently cruised to Curacao to have a word with Andruw Jones, resplendent (if a bit shadowy) in 37, 14, 41 and 42. Buy a Faith and Fear t-shirt [2] and see the world…or just sit around the house. What you do when you wear it is up to you.

But be prepared to answer questions and deflect misconceptions if you’re far from where Shea used to stand.

“We were walking to the beach,” CharlieH says of his and SarahH’s trip south with the shirt, “and the woman behind me said, ‘Faith and Fear in FLUSHING??? What is that?’ So I told her and she said, ‘Oh. I thought it had something to do with the Plumbers Union or something.’ And at least three people I know thought the numbers were from Lost.”