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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Jason Bay: Prophet Without Honor

The Mets have lost five in a row, ten of thirteen. Those are trends we haven’t seen since the atrociousness of April. There was no sign the Mets would snap out of it then, but they did. There’s no sign the Mets will snap out of it now, and, given that no return date is set for Jose Reyes, they might not. But while I’m still gullible enough to believe the Mets aren’t, at heart, a 5-13 or 3-10 outfit, the players doing the losing should use this opportunity to lie to me, if only to get me through the black hole that is inevitably the San Diego series.

It doesn’t have to be a full-out prevarication in the realm of “we’re still in this thing” or “we’re not out of this thing yet.” Just a little something along the lines of “we go out there every day thinking we’re going to win and we try our best.” Say it with enough conviction — and back it up with an occasional win — and I’ll watch Petco After Dark much less forebodingly.

You want a player quote to rile you up? Never mind Pelf’s “unrealistic” comment. Try what Jason Bay said prior to the Diamondbacks series:

“This is a dangerous road trip. Given where we’re at in the season, it could be a defining moment.”

The beauty part, according to Andrew Keh of the Times, is this doomsaying occurred to Bay as the three-game sweep was just getting underway, before Arizona had won any of the three games they were about to win. It’s like Jason visualized the result and made it so.

Now only if he could will baseballs off his bat and over fences more often than a week here and a week there.

It’s not what the Mets say that’s killing them. It’s the myriad things they don’t do. I could catalogue them beyond “win,” but Jason Bay’s rah-rah “yup, we’re sure in trouble now” pep talk already has me rooting against the sunrise. It’s darkest before the dawn, you know — especially when Jason Bay is “standing in the outfield” realizing “the Mets could very well be experiencing the beginning of the end.”

That’s Keh’s paraphrasing, by the way, and it’s the most damning Met passage I’ve read in the Times in a while, recent inane peripheral taunts included. I’m not surprised Bay said it, though. He’s keen on admitting when things aren’t going well, or when he assumes they’re not going to get much better, like when he was asked about a long fly ball he hit that appeared headed for or perhaps over Citi Field’s unforgiving left field wall yet landed short of both. His response:

“You get used to it.”

Per Thomas McKean in 1776, surely we have managed to promote the gloomiest man on this continent to the middle of our lineup. Those quotes are the most deprrrressing accumulation of disaster, doom and despair in the entire annals of Metropolitan history.

To be clear, McKean was talking about General Washington’s letters from the front to the Continental Congress, but the conclusion the Delaware Scotsman reached regarding Washington matches mine where our British Columbian is concerned — Jason Bay would depress a hyena.

This may seem like random Baygoating, except during Sunday’s loss, Gary Cohen and Ron Darling were speculating on who from the current roster are shoo-ins to be here in 2012. Gary came up with only three names (to which Ron agreed in that way Ron has of agreeing with everything): David Wright, Jon Niese and the $66 Million Man, whose presence for next year seems guaranteed not by his recent hot streak having lifted his season’s slash lines to a rousing .248/.330/.363 but by his contract delivering unto him another 32 extra-large.

Good luck pawning what’s left of that deal off on the Brewers or Giants.

For the scratch involved, I’m well past demanding offensive value in kind. I’m just asking Bay pretend to seem upbeat about the next 42 games. Try, “This is a dangerous road trip FOR THE TEAMS WE’RE PLAYING. Given where we’re at in the season, this could be a defining moment OF VICTORY!”

Lie to me, Jason Bay. What’s the harm? You’re already accepting superstar sums of money under false pretenses.

7 comments to Jason Bay: Prophet Without Honor

  • NEIL

    i feel that the Mets are even making this road trip worst for themselves by telling the truth that they will ” unrealistic to make the playoffs” or bays comments a dangerous road trip. With there injuries they are telling the truth, which i admire but to win games and bring up moral they should tell a lie once in a while.

  • 9th string

    This is the same problem I had with Pelf’s comment which stated “we never had a chance this year”. Well, that’s like getting a ride with a cab driver who crashes the car and then says to you, “Well, of course we were going to crash – I don’t really know how to drive”. Those guys are supposed to make this team win, and they don’t. Pelfrey pitches in one of the toughest parks to score runs and can’t win. There are elementary school players who hit better than Bay does. You guys aren’t very good. So shut the hell up. Don’t talk about the team – you guys are the team and you don’t do very well.

    Forget the top level prospect – I wish they forced SF to take Bay as well in the Beltran trade. Ugh.

  • waltera98

    The convergent evolution of a Mets and Jets fan always take place in mid August – knowing that the Mets season is over and the Jets season is about to begin. A baseball franchise known for the heartbreaks and emotional roller coasters that it provides it fans, the other a football franchise that emulates its baseball twin.

  • mikeL

    I wonder if pelf subconsciously wanted to be sure the mets wouldn’t have a chance when he stood there and watched wright and ike collide (paulino was useless in that moment as well). Forget his crappy pitching: a little heads-up leadership there could have gone a long way this season. Please Sandy: find a way to make pelf and bay – GO AWAY!

  • Florida Met Fan Rich

    I bring good news!

    1) Spring Training 2012 is exactly 6 months away!

    2) The Jets are on tonight

    3) There will be no lines at the concession stands at Shea 2

    4) You can here the echos in the stadium

    5) Every fan can go home with a foul ball

  • […] Faith and Fear wishes Jason Bay were as good at hitting home runs as he is at swatting hope out of the park. […]

  • Jimmy

    Let’s not forget that 2 of those 3 victories were of the miraculous-not-since-1965-comeback kind. It could have easily been 1 win in their last 13.
    All I can hope for now is truth to Greg’s .500 ‘gravitational pull’. But it seems they’re orbiting away from that now.
    It’s equally frustrating to see our opponents who are hampered by injury, bring up their rooks to the show, and see them excel while the Mets flounder.
    And to have to stay up well past midnight to watch this is just masochistic.