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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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This Just Out

American League update:

No playoffs.
Just like us.

Carry on, October.

16 comments to This Just Out

  • Andee

    It never should have taken that long to eliminate them. But they can thank TEX and their sounds-familiar September swan-dive for letting in the interlopers, at least for a while.

    And yeah, they’ll have the better record this year, but whose future do you suppose Yankees fans would prefer, ours or theirs? All I can hope is that Derek Jeter stubbornly refuses to retire, and that he keeps making a bigger and bigger fool of himself trying to play SS until he’s 60. Because I don’t think I could take the inevitable genuflection-fest farewell tour from him.

  • Why the hell is A-Rod still playing?

  • Dennis

    It doesn’t make me any happier if they made the playoffs or not…..maybe if I was 12 years old it would. Now…who cares? The Yankees don’t concern me one bit. It’s hard for me to waste any thought or energy on a team I don’t follow. I’m more interested in what the Mets do.

  • JPB

    “Yankees eliminated from post-season”

    Wait, are they allowed to do that?

  • Harvey

    Since May 25th, the Mets are 55-56 and the Yankees are 53-58.

  • 9th string catcher

    I have been checking the elimiation countdown for the last two weeks, amazed at Texas’ free fall and sweating out Cleveland and Tampa Bay’s race to let the Yankees back in. I’ve have absolutely loved watching them get beat by the likes of Toronto and SF, all the while thinking they would find a way back in. A happy day.

    Unfortunately, from an objective standpoint, I would love to say that the Mets have a brighter future than the Yankees, but who’s kidding who? Yanks will always find a way to bring in better talent and compete at a higher level – they’re the Walter White of baseball – they’re smarter and luckier than the imbeciles that run the Mets.

    The only hope is the WFAN CURSE! WFAN may just be the Ricin of the broadcastng world. Lock ’em up for 25 years and go to one world series. That would be awesome.

    Happy elimination day. Here’s hoping next year’s will be in August.

    • sturock

      Not so sure the Yankees will continue to “bring in a higher level of talent.” The luxury tax and the limit on paying draft picks bring a de facto salary cap into the sport that wasn’t there before. Conversely, TV money has risen for every team, so there are more teams throwing more dollars around. The Yankees’ financial advantage is just not as strong as it once was.

      Also, we are nearing the end of the Yanks’ golden era. Players will no longer go there because “they’re a sure winner” or “I want to play with Jeter and Rivera.”

      Finally, it’s doubtful they’ll be able to recreate a streak of luck that brought them Williams, Pettitte, Jeter, Rivera, and Posada all in quick succession, who gave them championships while their salaries were still under team control.

      I think it’s happening. And the media snarkstorm is just beginning. I can only hope the Mets can continue to incrementally improve in relative privacy while the rest of the New York sports world rags on the Yankees non-stop.

  • Dak442

    I’ve always found the sentiment that it doesn’t matter what the Yankees do to be flawed. Every time they make the playoffs, another group of kids who hadn’t yet picked a team are lured to the dark side. Fewer fans, less revenue for us; less money to spend improving the Mets.

    Plus it’s fun to see these entitled creeps sad. There was a tshirt in the window of the clubhouse store on 5th Ave that said “New York Yankees We’re Just Better”. Made me want to look for a throwin’ brick.

  • Joe D.

    Hi Greg,

    And as of this point, no guaranteed first round draft pick, just like us as well. :)

  • Dave

    …and we may finish ahead of the Phillie Phools in the standings. Two potential silver linings on this largely dark cloud of a season.

  • Lenny65

    I’m always very pleased when the Empire gets shut down for another year. They’ve got problems galore too, some of them every bit as bad (in their own way) as ours.

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  • […] wasn’t the Mets, but I always enjoy getting caught up in it…as long as certain teams aren’t involved. More treading water or are we gonna make some kind of […]