The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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16 For 16

The world’s our Rocky Mountain oyster.

Hits don’t lie. Neither does endlessly errorless fielding.

I particularly liked Valentin’s second homer. It smacked square off the CR on the Rockies cap billboard above the right field fence. That’s a message hit.

In handicapping the Wild Card race, don’t put your money on the Astros, the Braves, the Dodgers or […]

Bottle This Stuff

I got an email today from an old pal and fellow dedicated Met fan in New Orleans, where I was once nearly assaulted for watching the Mets instead of porn. My old pal's question: “Has this whole season been one of the best goddamn things to happen to you in years or what?”

Better believe it. […]

Baseball Like It Walter Be

The most appropriate way to honor the memory of the impact of the most significant Brooklyn Dodger of them all would be for Fred Wilpon to take the money and run…to the bottom line of any contract for stadium naming rights.

It is Walter O'Malley, not Jackie Robinson, who shaped the baseball world we live in […]

17 For 17

Did you know eight teams are tied for the National League Wild Card and none has a winning percentage of over .350?

OK, I’m lying, but close enough. I just got finished watching the Wild Card leaders, the Reds, give up their lofty perch after 16 grueling innings at Dodger Stadium. I don’t know if it […]

Workaday Wonders

Hey! We're sexy and 17!

A puzzle for bloggers and beat writers alike: What do you say about a 10-5 demolition of the Rockies? Do you praise the continuing firepower of MVP In Waiting Carlos Beltran and resident whirlwind Jose Reyes? Wax hopeful about a good night for David Wright, one that didn't even need a […]

18 For 18

With total props to tasty Toasty Joe (his next 6″ tuna sub is on me, especially if my Shea ticket stub really does entitle me to buy one, get one relatively free as it states on the back) and his inspirational, intermittent salute to the ever-burgeoning Met win total on his excellent blog, I’d like […]

Schoolyard Logic

During my adolescent afternoons playing one-on-one stickball in the East School playground, the dolphin served as our first base foul line. My favorite ground rule was if you hit it under the dolphin's snout, it was fair. If you hit it under the tail or over the dolphin altogether, foul. Hitting the dolphin created a […]

Most Valuable Beltran

Consider this incomplete, unofficial and nonbinding, but there's no way Carlos Beltran isn't the most valuable player in the National League this year. That doesn't mean he'll be the Most Valuable Player in the National League vote. I'd be kind of surprised if he is, given the way voting traditionally works.

Rule No. 1: If there's […]

L'Hittim! (To Hits!)

While the second-newest Met has certainly been embraced, this is a get-it-done town, and funny stories about Shawn Green salsa dancing at Carlos Delgado's wedding or Delgado taping a yarmulke onto his scalp at Green's wedding were only going to do the trick for so long. A two-run double over the glove of the hapless […]

Difficult Concept to Grasp

“Lose”? What this thing you call “lose”?

Odd this thing you call “lose”. Feel funny. Not good funny but peculiar funny.

Still not understand “lose”. Mean Mets not win?

Mets always win!

Not understand at all.

See Mets play close game. Mets win close game, yes? Mets always win close game, no?

Met pitcher get in trouble early but then get […]