The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Welcome Back Mota

“It was nice to be back,” Guillermo Mota said after last night’s Zito-induced somnambufest, a 2:29 sleepwalk that featured no Mets runs and an hourlong nap in the middle of it by your correspondent. I woke up in time to see Mota’s return. Like everything else in this game, it barely stirred me.

Amplitude Modulation radio […]

Joshua and the Balk Rule

Before this game goes into the books for good or ill (ill's tucked in by the rail and riding hard), a word about the improbable events of last night — perhaps the only time in Mets history a walkoff home run will leave me and Emily blinking in puzzlement instead of leaping about. (I mean, […]

Letter to My Unborn Ballpark

Dear Citi Field,

Hello. We don't know each other yet, but I will be one of the fans who, if nothing terrible happens to either one of us, will be keeping you company during the first years, hopefully decades, of your life. I've been looking at pictures of you since you were conceived and even grabbed […]

Keep Armando Away From My Local Fire Department

Ladies and gentlemen, the blog is not burning.

I was sitting in my office shortly after 8 AM preparing just the right words to describe the thrill of being at last night's glorious victory when I happened to notice the smell of smoke and the sound of an alarm and, wiz that I am, eventually put […]

The Funniest Article Ever Written

Somebody call Bernie Mac, D.L. Hughley, Steve Harvey and Cedric the Entertainer and tell them to find a new line of work. They may be The Original Kings of Comedy, but today comedy has new kings.

Meet the hysterical duo of Noah Fowle and Dave Goldiner. These comic geniuses have penned perhaps the funniest article ever […]

Excellence Again and Again?

If anyone feared a 2007 letdown following the success of 2006 (and who didn't?), it hasn't happened. I suppose you could just look at the standings and figure that out for yourself, but out of curiosity, I did some checking to determine how historic the Mets' fine start is coming as it has on the […]

It's the Little Things

Mets 6, Marlins 4.

The Mets put up a four-spot in the fourth inning against Scott Olsen, Jorge Sosa held the Marlins at bay, and the relievers hung on despite two late Florida runs and the Mets leaving the bases loaded in the seventh and eighth. Seems pretty straightforward.

Ah, but it wasn't. Depending on which medium […]

Bernie Versus the Marlins (Part III)

It’s three straight Memorial Day weekends that the Mets have visited the Marlins and that would be nothing more than a scheduling quirk barely worth noting except the Mets at the Marlins at this particular juncture of the calendar means one thing to me beyond any wonderful things John Maine, Carlos Delgado and their teammates […]

Glamour Puss

Now that’s a star. Bernie The Cat, on a winter’s evening in 1994, is as ready for his closeup as he’s gonna get.Note a) the Sprockets look I sported for this photo shoot; b) our devotion to yet another cat (and his overwrought asthma-hound Chihuahua companion) from the early ’90s; and c) my enduring pride at having attended […]

Familiar Figures

El Duque on his game.

Pedro in the dugout.

Five in the ninth.

They all looked wonderful Friday night. Orlando rehabilitates with so little notice that I tend to forget he's on call. You get a Duque outing like that (and with one exception, that's exactly what he's given us all year) and you've got a great chance, […]