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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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A Trade for the Worst of All Reasons

Yes, it's true. Xavier Nady's been sent to Pittsburgh for Roberto Hernandez and Oliver Perez. Shame to see Nady go — one would assume Lastings is now on the way back, though his tenure at Norfolk hasn't exactly been sterling. Bert we know. Perez has been putrid this year — but won 12 games a year ago with a sparkling sub-3 ERA and is only 24.

Still, this is a case of the latest news not being the real news: The trade was required because Duaner Sanchez was in a car accident last night after arriving in Miami. The good news from a human perspective: There's no indication he was badly hurt in any kind of beyond-professional way. The awful news from a Met perspective: Separated shoulder, surgery today, done for the year. (Update: Maybe not done for the year. No surgery yet. Fingers and toesies.)



More reaction later, after the cloud of fear lifts or, more likely, remains in place and becomes choking. In the meantime, carry on….

10 comments to A Trade for the Worst of All Reasons

  • Anonymous

    Ah, but it's gotten better, somewhat.
    They flipped Perez & Heath Bell to SD for Scott Linebrink.

  • Anonymous

    Bert + Linebrink does not equal Duaner Sanchez, but credit Omar for doing his absolute best in a desperate situation.
    For lack of better words, Fuck.
    I had Duaner 9th on the who-can-we-not-lose-for-the-year list (I have Wright, Reyes, Beltran, Pedro, Glavine, Wagner, Delgado, Lo Duca ahead of him). Still, sucks beyond words.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah. Anybody know anything about Linebrink? Since he plays for West Kamchatka, I know zip about him. Scouting report indicates he throws hard, needs to keep the ball down, and gets pounded if he's not throwing strikes — typical feast-or-famine setup guy, in other words. Has been horrible recently.
    So…Nady, Bell and Perez for Bert, Linebrink and Lastings II? Strikes me as not bad, particularly under emergency circumstances. Unless of course some other trade has just materialized. (Oswalt? Schmidt? Dontrelle? Kazmir for Victor because the Devil Rays feel bad about fleecing us? A clone of Tom Seaver that's been secretly aged so that it's the equivalent of the 1969 Tom Terrific?)
    Funny — I was just working around to thinking that “Gee, we could really have something in Perez.” For better or worse, we fans adapt quickly….

  • Anonymous

    Not seeing this trade on any of the sports web sites – was it on the FAN?

  • Anonymous

    Crap. The Scott Linebrink Era is over!
    “Gee, we could really have something in Perez…..”

  • Anonymous

    But good job Omar. He correctly overpaid for Bert, and minimized the damage done. Think how much worse the situation would have been if Sanchez had been hurt after the trading deadline.
    I wonder if this kept another trade that had been in the works from happening.
    And twenty years from now, when they're retiring his number on Oliver Perez Day, maybe this won't seem so important.

  • Anonymous

    Didn't happen. San Diego turned it down.

  • Anonymous

    Was just thinking that — start the blog age a few years earlier and we're all tearing our hair out screaming, “Crap! Toronto wouldn't trade Jose Cruz Jr. for this Wright kid from Capital City….”
    On SNY, Omar sounded less apocalyptic on Sanchez. Who knows. At the risk of being unbloggy, time to let things settle for a few hours.

  • Anonymous

    Rare to see you use the expletive reserved for Bobby Bonilla….Its an act of G-d….have to believe that its karmic and it could have been worse…shoulders heal…so we're back to Bert….also Karmic dont ya think….and Nady we hardly knew ya..but we dug ya….Perez is a very young guy….younger than Pelfrey or Maine nad hes got two years in the bigs and southpaws dont grow on trees…the Jacket has another acolyte and we are gonna host Milledge part deux….

  • Anonymous

    Or Steinbrenner paid some Miami drunk to ram Duaner's cab…