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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Digging Their Own Graves

Well, this is the least worried I'll have been about being in last place in June in my baseball life. That's something.

Nice of Manny Aybar to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt which of our bad relief pitchers should turn into a shameful memory once the i's and t's get dotted and crossed on Danny Graves' contract. Though while we're at it, I vote for turning Mike DeJean into Steve Colyer. Or into anybody who isn't Mike DeJean. (Am I violating my own warning about Not Player X Syndrome? Maybe. I dunno, I have trouble believing your average Triple-A schmoe can't do what DeJean does.)

Last night I fell asleep while Glavine was tearing through the Astros like a combine, then woke up just in time to see Ausmus break his oh-for-forever streak and doom us. Tonight it just seemed like I'd been asleep: One moment Ishii was hellacious, the next moment he was helpless.

I suppose, as you've noted before, this is what .500 teams do. It's like a bad shower: Would you like blasts of hot and cold to alternate, or would you rather stand under lukewarm water for the duration?

How Vlad hit that ball is beyond me. Let alone how he hit it into right-center.

That's all I got, partner. I'm going off to sulk.

1 comment to Digging Their Own Graves

  • Anonymous

    That Kaz Matsui really sucks. He's the problem here. Look how he managed to singlehandedly lose the game for us AGAIN.
    What? He only made one brief, fleeting appearance? You mean we got trashed 12-2 without Kaz?! So it's not all his fault?! Surely some mistake…
    Note to everyone: No one guy can be responsible for losing or winning every game. Tonight we managed to suck even without “the problem” in the lineup. We appear to have several “problems” on this team, don't we, hmm? Thirty-two at-bats, only one of them belonging to Kaz, yielded two runs. Two. Four pitchers surrendered 12 runs. That's suckage, baby. Team suckage.
    Now let's cut the crap. All 25 of you, cut the crap. Whatever happens, I do not want us to be as bad as the Yankees.