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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Roll Over

That was it? That was the vaunted “roll” we waited to get on for 4-1/2 months? Nine of eleven against three certifiably lousy teams and one that's roughly our peer? Now it's over?

That ain't gonna cut it. Neither is the new math, the one in which we have now lost five of six. It's a trend. It's practically a way of life.

I suppose one could get on the Infamous Victor Z for continually wriggling into just enough trouble that getting out of it with limited damage was damage enough. Yeah, if Trachsel had started, he would've thrown his weekly one-hitter. Seems Dontrelle Willis is an awfully good pitcher and without The World's Greatest Cat taking matters into his own paws, we can't touch him.

We can't touch a lot of pitchers who aren't Dontrelle Willis either lately.

Trach is back in the rotation, if there is indeed a rotation, Monday in Atlanta. By then we could be 5-1/2 out. Ouch — worst-case scenario in effect, y'all, but this team is more Happy Time Harry than Jiggle Billy right now.

Baseball Team Hunger Force…Assemble! Cause if we don't, we're stuck at No. 4 in the 'hood, G.

Your Name Here Stadium always brings me down. With the passing of the Big O from the scene, is there a worse ballpark to look at on TV than this one? RFK at least has the curiosity factor on its side. And Shea, for all the beating it takes by every beat writer who must've gotten stuck in an elevator there, at least has pretty colors, especially if you're partial to infield green, fence blue and box seat orange.

Y'know what Miami's YNHS reminds me of? North Haverbrook — the town that had the Monorail Cafe yet denied that a monorail (monorail!) had ever come through town. Really, the N.L. expansion teams of the '90s are a lot like that the cities screwed over in that Simpsons episode. Bud Selig/Lyle Lanley sold a bill of goods to Florida, Colorado/Ogdenville and Arizona/Brockway, and don't they regret ever having signed on the dotted line? Well, sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona fide, electrified Major League franchise!

The Marlins, no matter how many World Series they accidentally win or no matter how much they wipe the Soilmastered floor with us, were a bad, freaking idea. Maybe not in concept. South Florida's a big market, sure it should have a baseball team. But that hollow facility (one of the few I've never been to but also one of the few I have no desire to see) just visually wreaks. That whole tired-teal meets prefab-retro meets NFL-first is just so stuck in 1993. The Dolphins tore up the turf Thursday night so it had that going for it Friday. Then throw in those insipid sacks of Soilmaster Red that the cameras always capture in the Mets' dugout. They don't have a closet or something? It's not a baseball stadium and it never will be without baseball fans.

Maybe South Floridians are geniuses for avoiding this place but save for a few post-season games and an opener or two, have you ever seen a concentration of Marlins fans in YNHS? Lousy sports town. They had an ABA franchise called the Floridians. They would report an attendance exponentially higher than it could possibly have been. When called on it by an eyewitness who was able to count the house during timeouts, the team's PR man suggested that you're not taking into account all our many fans who are out at the concessions or using the rest room. Say this for the Floridians: They led the ABA in chutzpah.

Now for a moment from the world…

Don't know about the rest of you, but as much as I love complaining about the Mets' performance and their opponents' subpar accommodations, I find myself caught in between. I won't lay a “sports aren't important in the scheme of things” rap on you because we've all made a relatively conscious decision that they are. But watching the citizens of New Orleans and Mississippi struggle in the condition that they've been left to struggle in makes griping about almost anything else seem silly by comparison.

The video of the convention center and all the suffering it portrays is particularly jarring. I've been in that convention center as a reporter covering events that involved copious amounts of food and water. The electricity worked. The plumbing worked. There was regular sanitation. Whatever else I saw of New Orleans, however quirky, charming or rundown, was functional. It's hard to believe that that city and the one I've been watching on television when I haven't been watching the Mets are one and the same. It's unfathomable that those are our fellow Americans who have been crying out for official help that's been criminally late in arriving.

Don't get me wrong. The Mets losing to the Phillies and the Marlins and falling behind in the Wild Card race still bites and I still relish making time to note it to myself and to all of you. But I sincerely hope that rooting for an inconsistent sports team is eventually everybody's biggest problem in this country. I appreciate that you let me use a bit of your baseball-reading time to mention that. It's been on my mind as much, I'm guessing, as it's been on yours.

I'm sure you know where to find them, but here are links to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

1 comment to Roll Over

  • Anonymous

    Jason and I fell in love in New Orleans 15 years ago and fell in love with the city as well. It's been incredibly sad to see the state of the city and of the whole area. But as we learned almost four years ago, it's really nice to have a diversion, even if that diversion insists on losing. — Emily (using Jason's sign-on)