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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It's A Shame

Forgive me for trotting out this hoary chestnut where the classic NLDS Game 4 between Atlanta and Houston was concerned, but it was a shame either one of these teams had to win.

Atlanta deserved to lose for having neglected to build a reliable bullpen.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because they couldn't protect a five-run lead in the eighth.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because they couldn't retire Brad Ausmus with two outs in the ninth.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because they cannot find the wherewithal after so many division titles to assert themselves in post-season.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because they could muster no offense when it mattered.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because their brand of soulless, efficient baseball is now being passed down to a third generation of players.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Atlanta deserved to lose because John Scheurholz, Bobby Cox and Leo Mazzone, for all their accomplishments, are missing that certain something when it comes to October.

Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.

Yeah, it's a shame both teams couldn't be eliminated when it was all over, but unfortunately you can't have two losers. Surely each team deserved to go home after this series, yet only one gets to do so.


4 comments to It's A Shame

  • Anonymous

    I know that you wanted to keep it short, but there are plenty of other reasons why Atlanta deserved to once again cancel flight arrangements for the second week in October.
    How about the Tomahawk Chop?
    How about their inability to sell out post-season games? They can't even fill the stadium by giving tickets away.
    How about having Mike Hampton on the roster?

  • Anonymous

    and you forgot about clemens.

  • Anonymous

    Do you really think the Braves bother making flight arrangements? Other than to go home for the winter I mean?

  • Anonymous

    Atlanta deserved to lose because they made a folk hero of Roger Clemens.
    Houston deserved to lose because they have Roger Clemens.