The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Well Hi Everybody…

Time has come to no longer be an anonymous Met blogger.

OK, as mysteries go this wasn't exactly what happened to Jimmy Hoffa or even whose fingerprints were on the Kazmir-Zambrano trade, because some people actually care about the answers to those questions. But anyway, here goes: I'm Jason Fry, alias Jason, alias half of the Faith and Fear team. The younger, balder, alternately less-hopeful half. The half that can't do math and doesn't think Gil Hodges is a Hall of Famer, though he fears Greg Prince's wrath every time he says so.

Why step forward now? Because of this blog's odd connection to what I do for a living. Faith and Fear began as a project that interested me as a technology columnist: Blogging was all over the news, and I kept finding myself writing about it, but I didn't have any real sense of what it was like day-to-day to write and run a blog. So I decided to try my hand at it, thinking if nothing else I'd get a column out of it. I figured I should write about something I loved, and I was lucky enough to have a good friend who shared my obsession — and who also just happened to be the best writer I've ever encountered. I hoped it would be a fun experiment, and it was. Boy, was it ever. One baseball season later, the experiment has become a big part of my life — one I thought was worth reflecting on. (And hey, I finally did get that column out of it.)

So for those of you coming to us from, thanks for clicking, and welcome. Please take a look around, and I hope the level of Mets obsession Greg and I share isn't too scary. If you like the place, feel free to stay a while — we'll be huddled by the hot stove all winter.

If you're coming to us from the Faith and Fear side, well, you already know the drill. Check out this link to this week's Real Time column if you'd like to know more about how our no-longer-so-little blog started, and what Year One was like behind the scenes.

And that's way more than anyone cared to know about me. Back to our regularly scheduled offseason, already far too much in progress….

9 comments to Well Hi Everybody…

  • Anonymous

    You write a great column for the journal.
    First time visiting this site (I'm partial to the Yankees, myself…)
    Tho '86 was fun.

  • Anonymous

    Well, now you have to keep publishing the blog during the off-season…

  • Anonymous

    Just read your article at the WSJ site…..very interesting. Good luck to you over there.
    About Mets business, you guys are fabulous and a must read for me….

  • Anonymous

    Keep up the good work, Jace.

  • Anonymous

    I've been reading Faith and Fear since almost the beginning, but now, I'm confused. What's this “Wall Street Journal”?

  • Anonymous

    congratulations on your “coming out”, jason! we, as mets fans need to learn to live our lives in public – not ashamed, and proud. as a card-carrying member of the NYT mets forum (see: corporate blogging), i welcome you to public life on the boards without a secret identity .. the way it should be. you have a nice site – i'll be back often.
    all best,
    jes alexander
    (the san francisco chronicle)

  • Anonymous

    You've been slashdotted, so the 500 ton stampeding rhino that is the slashdot hoards should be on their way.

  • Anonymous

    What a cool column! Keep up the great work, guys!

  • Anonymous

    Let's see how fast we can bring the website to it's knees. :)