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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Be A Hero

The answers are flooding in. They're coming by comment, by e-mail, by posting in other venues. Many of them are correct. The help is helping. But there are a few runners being left stranded in scoring position on called third strikes.

While we await the Tuesday posting of final answers to the Mets Final Exam, I thought I'd let you know which questions nobody has proffered a guess on here or in any forum of which I'm aware (unless you want to count the guy who asked if shouting out Craig Swan 44 times would make him right once). Since these particular 19 questions have daunted so many, I thought I could drop an extra dollop of extra help.

If you haven't already, take a shot at these babies. Be a hero. Get 'em right. Get 'em wrong. But get 'em tried.

1. I would be a bigger deal to baseball at large after I left the Mets than I was when I was on the Mets.

2. My second Mets season was my best Mets season.

3. I was on the Mets before Tom Seaver was out of high school.

4. I was on the Mets after Tom Seaver was traded by the Mets but before Tom Seaver was traded to the Mets.

6. Somebody who wouldn't usually have a hand in player transactions played an enormous role in getting me on the Mets.

9. I pitched against the Mets a lot more than I pitched for them.

10. The player I gave up that last hit to is still managing.

11. What was said about me was probably the most interesting thing about my career.

13. If pitchers could really sue for non-support, then I'd have won the biggest cash settlement in Mets history.

16. My debut was a lot more memorable than my finale.

23. I literally didn't measure up to the guy I was traded for.

26. I spent only one year with the Mets; nobody was calling for an encore.

32. Joe Torre ruined my last game but he wasn't the Yankee manager, bub.

33. No matter what it sounds like, I was never an umpire.

36. You'll see I wasn't a Met for very long.

38. The Mets brought me in for a particular task and I failed miserably.

39. I spent one year as a starter for the Mets but that was dictated by the straits the team was in.

41. I had been an All-Star before becoming a Met.

42. I was an award-winner before coming to the Mets.

1 comment to Be A Hero

  • Anonymous

    Of the seven managers who shouted Swan's name at least 44 times over 12 years, at least they were right on several occasions. Lucky bastards.