The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Air Up Here

The air that we breathe got more rarefied yesterday as the second-greatest beginning to a Mets season got that much greater.

1973: 4-1

1978: 4-1

1984: 4-1

1985: 5-0

1994: 4-1

1998: 4-1

2006: 4-1

Prorating, we're up to 130-32. Mathematically, it's in the bag I tell'sya.

Boy, ain't life grand with a big start? It's so the opposite of a bad start, know what I mean? The sky hasn't fallen, the earth isn't quicksand, the spring has actually sprung — regardless of temperature. Can't account for the future (foolproof prorating aside), but it makes for a lovely present.

As do the Marlins. Boy, are they not ready for prime time — especially their tantrumic manager; a single season as bench coach, even if it's as Yankee bench coach, is not necessarily adequate preparation for running a team (Girardi '06 behaves like Bowa '87). Don't take this as Fish-taunting and fate-tempting. I've lived through enough ill-timed stumbles to supposedly undermanned teams from Miami to understand that anybody can give you fits on any given day. Marlins sting…just not that much right now.

I'll withhold any further analysis of the National League East for fear of riling up our sure-to-be snippy opponents tomorrow. Inside pitching won't be a lost art in D.C. this week. One wonders about who we're throwing out there. Will Bannister continue his awesome career? Will Pedro be loaded for Nat? And thereafter, does anyone remember Zambrano? He's gotta pitch sometime. Looked real good in Florida before sabotaging himself. Will Trachsel descend into Stevie Snit mode because Glavine stays on schedule and he has to go on seven days' rest? It's really too early for worrying about this sort of thing, but at 4-1, ya gotta have something to worry about.

The Mets fans of Connecticut actually do have a legitimate issue on their plates if not in front of their eyes. Their cable non-provider is keeping them in the dark, depriving them of the almost daily wonders of Gary's PBP and Keith's spot-on analysis and Bill Webb's direction, to say nothing of the Dean Martin Roast infomercial. Thanks to one diligent would-be viewer, there is a place to take their valid complaints.

Hang in there, NutMet State brethren. There's plenty left to see here.

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