The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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More-Substantive Commentary to Follow


Wednesday Afternoon Lights

Carpet bomb 'em. You understand? Chew 'em up. Spit 'em out. So we understand each other, right?
—Mayor Lucy Rodell (Dillon, Tex.)
As we and us prepare to watch our team encounter their/our first postseason in six years, keep this in mind:
Six innings.
If we can get six innings from John Maine or Joe Vermont or whoever is […]

Wednesday Afternoon Lights

Carpet bomb ’em. You understand? Chew ’em up. Spit ’em out. So we understand each other, right?


—Mayor Lucy Rodell (Dillon, Tex.)

As we and us prepare to watch our team encounter their/our first postseason in six years, keep this in mind:

Six innings.

If we can get six innings from John Maine or Joe Vermont or whoever is […]

Last Call for Shirts

Calves are vulnerable body parts this time of year. To guard against absurdly common injuries, why not wrap your right calf in a FAITH AND FEAR t-shirt? In fact, best to swaddle your left calf in one too. That'll only leave your two arms vulnerable. Hmmm. Four shirts might be wise.
Ha ha! Gallows humor, wheeee!
Seriously, […]

Last Call for Shirts

Calves are vulnerable body parts this time of year. To guard against absurdly common injuries, why not wrap your right calf in a FAITH AND FEAR t-shirt? In fact, best to swaddle your left calf in one too. That'll only leave your two arms vulnerable. Hmmm. Four shirts might be wise.

Ha ha! Gallows humor, wheeee! […]

In Defense of a Pronoun

We're a little too into sports in this country, I think we gotta throttle back. Know what I mean? People come home from these games, “We won! We won!” No, they won — you watched. — Jerry Seinfeld
It's one of the rules of being an adult: You realize that you're not, in fact, a member […]

In Defense of a Pronoun

We’re a little too into sports in this country, I think we gotta throttle back. Know what I mean? People come home from these games, “We won! We won!” No, they won — you watched. — Jerry Seinfeld

It’s one of the rules of being an adult: You realize that you’re not, in fact, a member […]