The blog for Mets fans
who like to read
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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More Than a Million Thanks
by Greg Prince on 1 January 2007 8:38 pm
Happy New Year! And thank you!
Thank you for 1,450,926 page views of Faith and Fear in Flushing in 2006.
Even when you subtract out all the porn sites that glom their filthy automatic trackbacks onto us and all the times Jason and I log on to ascertain that we're still here and all the electronic counting vagaries I sure as hell don't understand, it means we're not just talking to ourselves here.
Not that we're beyond talking to ourselves here. But still.
Thank you for showing up to join us as often as you do. What you mean to us defies measure.
Thank YOU guys for giving us this great place to hang out :)
Rule of thumb: Never discount the porn sites…
Thanks to both of you for providing a consistently well written place in cyberspace that is a must read every day.
i've never commented before, but as someone who accounts for many hundreds of those 1.4 million page views, i wanted to say thanks. 06 was a special year, made more so by your consistently literate, funny and thought-provoking forum. This is the first place i go to when i'm outraged, overjoyed, despondent, confused, or just plain wondering what happened to Eli Marerro.
Looking forward to another year together, even if you never know it. Thanks
Thank YOU.
May 2007 be even more than was 2006.
More than a million back…, it's fun!
Happy New Year, boys.
A belated Happy Birthday to Grand Poobah Greg.
Jace, we have a standing date in LBI this year, yes?
Thanks for everything you guys provide.
mmm… porrrrrrrrrrn…
And thank you guys for the most thought-provoking sports blog on the web. Oh, and the kickass tee shirt, which had enough magic for my daughter to be there with me for that Game Six heaven, but not quite enough for my best friend & me to avoid that Game Seven hell.
LBI indeed. Going twice this year. Can't wait. See you there!
We'll be making our winter — if winter ever arrives, that is — day trip trek down in the next month or so.
Oh, and SarahH heard from the Mets. The Saturday plan: Upper Reserved, section 24 (hovering over 3B), Row A. Didn't get seat numbers yet.
THAT'S My Girl.
Who loves ya, baby? ;-)