The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Guy Who

It happens almost every spring, or least by fall. We pick up the guy who’s widely identified for something besides what he has accomplished in the realm of baseball statistics and achievements. This isn’t a Central Casting call per se, but rather the guy whose playing fame and whatever skills that has entailed is augmented, sometimes overshadowed, by his infamy, notoriety or slightly off-kilter triviality. What makes them stand out is less reputation than recitation. They’re known for something that they did or was done to or around them before they became Mets and you hear about it an awful lot upon their arrival. There always seem to be a few of those guys around, mixed in with the run-of-the-mill free-agent studs, utility infielders and such. Just by luck of the draw, one supposes every team gets its share. But it sure seems we’ve dipped into that pot fairly frequently over the past decade.

You know who I mean…

The guy whose father’s a sportswriter.
The guy who hardens his hands by not disturbing the plumbing.
The guy who didn’t catch what Steve Bartman shouldn’t have tried to (whoops…same guy).
The guy who played for his pop (Moises Alou — one-man curiosity sidebar).
The guy who was (was, apparently) the greatest Jewish ballplayer since Hank Greenberg.
The guy who was chased into a Spring Training clubhouse by Mike Piazza (though that may have been more our pet peeve than an issue for the industry at large).
The guy who named a Time after himself.
The guy who didn’t stand for “God Bless America”.
The guy who was really old even before he got here and became even older.
The guy who was born in Saigon.
The guy who kept the ball from the last out of the World Series and caught hell for it.
The guy whose wife wasn’t exactly camera-shy.
The guy who mixed it up with a Fenway Park groundskeeper while Don Zimmer attacked a Red Sox pitcher.
The guy, for that matter, who threw Don Zimmer to the ground in the same playoff game (in self-defense) and hoisted a midget on a regular basis (don’t know what that was).
The guy who was traded for Ken Griffey.
The guy who played for everybody…including us already.
The guy who spit at an umpire.
The guy who gave up the record-breaking homer to McGwire.
The guy who was a fashion model in Japan.
The guy whose manager kept a pair of his shoes on his desk so upset he was to have him traded away.
The guy who had been (had been) the first great Japanese pitcher.
The guy who brushed his teeth between innings before somebody told him it was bush.
The guy who wore a helmet in the field.

Some of ’em, like the helmet guy, work out quite nicely. Some of ’em, like the spitting guy, don’t. Others, like Vietnamese native Danny Graves and cantankerous ex-Skank Karim Garcia…I have to confess I’d all but forgotten they were ever here, and they weren’t here terribly long ago.

As for the latest crop of Mets with pasts that don’t show up in the box score, we’ll see if those imported anecdotes about Ross Newhan’s son — what, you hadn’t heard a dozen times in the last month that David’s dad writes about baseball? — are embellished with actual production in a Mets uniform. If they are, then the “did you know Newhan’s father…?” stuff will fade in due order, as did Carlos Delgado’s stance outside the batter’s box and Pedro Martinez’s eccentric Bostonian past. Can’t do anything about Julio Franco’s age — he just keeps getting older. (So do we all, but he had a head start.)

If Newhan doesn’t succeed? We won’t much care if his spouse’s name is Anna or his maternal grandfather’s full name was Zeile Shinjo Rockefeller. All of the above is footnote stuff, more glaring in spring than in summer. Mets fans create their own histories about their guys, making the contents of their prefab backgrounds immensely irrelevant. After all…

The guy who, if he wasn’t startin’, wasn’t departin’ turned into our last-legged backup first baseman.
The guy who punched out his manager turned into our most dynamic player amid a dismally dark season.
The guy who was at loose enough ends to rate a biopic turned into our man who ran the bases backwards.

The rest of the baseball world may not remember Garry Templeton, Lenny Randle or Jimmy Piersall — to name three — for their Mets deeds, but we do. And that’s the identity that counts with us.

Sure hope Moises’ hands got good and hard by the time he left San Francisco, though. New York’s a soap-and-water kind of town. And we’re big believers in Flushing.

16 comments to The Guy Who

  • Anonymous

    Not a whole lot of ink in the last few weeks for the Guy with a Long History of Domestic Assault.

  • Anonymous

    Off the topic, BUT…
    F&FIF is one of the four (4) nominees for the best NY Mets blog, along with Metsblog, Mike's Mets& Mets Geek…
    Just guess where my vote's going…

  • Anonymous

    Supposably, the voting is on, but I can't seem to find it. It is listed in the print issue as one of the nominees…

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for noticing that and giving us the opportunity to plug ourselves without seeming too self-promoting about it. I just opened the magazine and saw it.
    Vote for the blog that gives you “the best Mets info,” it says. Personally, I can think of no better Mets info than an overview of Mettle the Mule, a trip to McCrory's baseball card mines and a discourse on Amy Grant's secular recording career. But if you can, hey, it's a free country.

  • Anonymous

    That t-shirt is going to have some serious cachet now.
    Glad I got two.
    Congrats, boys and good luck.
    Nothing against those other three, but Metstradamus got boned.

  • Anonymous

    Must have missed the New Hampshire filing deadline.

  • Anonymous

    As of 8:56 AM, here are the standings:
    Mets Geek : 36%
    Metsblog : 30%
    Faith & Fear : 24%
    Mike's Mets : 10%
    Lotsa ground to make up…

  • Anonymous

    Well, I didn't want to have to go negative, but the people have a right to know.
    I hear some of these other bloggers have matriculated!
    One of them is said to have practiced celibacy before marriage!
    And there is a rumor that another has been in the company of known thespians!
    Sorry to have been so blunt, but here are the sordid details, right down there in the last paragraph.

  • Anonymous

    I used the link you provided to cast my vote for best Met Blog (guess for whom) but could not find anything on SI's website. Is there a conspiracy against FAFIF and is this Florida 2000 all over again?

  • Anonymous

    Those early returns must have been attributed to a small sample size.
    As of 10:33 AM, the numbers are all askew:
    Metsblog: 71%
    Mets Geek: 14%
    Faith & Fear: 11%
    Mike's Mets: 6%
    It's starting to look like last year's NL East “race”

  • Anonymous

    11% only for FAFIF? Now I'm convinced this is Florida 2000 all over again!

  • Anonymous

    Don't forget the guy who got younger while he was here… of my calculations are correct, he's now back in the womb.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, but what an 11% it is!

  • Anonymous

    At least his eligibility for Old Timers Day will be pushed back.

  • Anonymous

    Damn! It ain't gettin' any better. Quite the opposite, in fact…
    Metsblog: 79%
    Mets Geek: 11%
    Faith & Fear: 7%
    Mike's Mets: 4%

  • Anonymous

    Darn that downward slide. Wonder if some have been bribed and retracting their vote.