The periodical to have on tap as you gear up for the coming dream season/injury-riddled debacle is Meet the Mets 2008, 112 pages crammed with “the most in-depth coverage you can get on the Mets”. It offers articles on what went wrong last year, what might go right this year, what awaits down the road in terms of farm and Field (Citi, that is), great stuff on Shea and more than a little in-depth history here and there. Plus, unlike some more general newsstand publications, Meet the Mets didn’t go to press until the Santana deal was in the books.
This plug is a bit shameless because you will see my name among the authors in there (alongside some other bylines familiar to denizens of the Metsosphere), but rest assured I’ve already been paid my stipend, so this is an almost purely selfless recommendation.
You can find Meet the Mets at finer retail establishments or you can order it here.
Who's Omar Minya?
Obviously that's a typo in the book's promo copy. It's supposed to read Omar Minayan, which is when ten Mets fans get together to pray the GM makes good deals.
Or Omar Minyan, better yet.