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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Because Eloquence Is Wasted on This Team










/deep breath










/stare at own feet

15 comments to Because Eloquence Is Wasted on This Team

  • Anonymous

    more than I could get out. There are no words for something like this.

  • Anonymous

    I used to speculate that perhaps Nelson 2XDay had placed a hex on Fred when he agreed to be bought out, since nothing ever seems to go Fred's way, but now I believe that such hex is being compounded by some bad karma emanating from Fred's grandiose Citifield looming over Shea . . . bad vibes all around. I know it ain't gonna happen, but I think Fred & Jeff must sell the team for this franchise to ever win the World Series

  • Anonymous

    That gave me such a needed laugh! :)

  • Anonymous

    I was at the game with my sons this afternoon and when they failed to expand the lead beyond 4-0 I said that with six outs left I really only would have felt comfortable with a 6-0 lead. How sad that I was right.
    Just as I don't understand why Randolph yanked Pelfrey yesterday before he even allowed the tying run on base, I don't understand why he didn't have Reyes steal and then maybe have Endy bunt him over (I know Reyes keeps getting caught but still) or at least try a hit and run.
    Worse, I don't know why Rick Peterson is pitching coach still if the entire bullpen seems trained only to come in and walk the leadoff hitter or to fall behind on every count. This is the one cardinal sin they keep committing and it is inexcusable.
    The final frustrating thought was that with Wright and Beltran up in crucial situations it only made me miss Mike Piazza and Keith Hernandez– when they were up in their prime you felt sure they'd come through, it didn't even seem like faith. This is now fear each time

  • Anonymous

    You said it, brother.
    Except, I don't stare at my shoes; I glare at the first base dugout.

  • Anonymous

    “Why are you so negative?”
    “It's still early.”
    “Maybe if the fans didn't boo they'd play better.”
    And etcetera, and etcetera.
    These are all things said both last year and this year to those of us sounding alarms, ringing bells, and whatever other cliche you could think of as we watched this team play like cocka-dooty.
    Now we're stuck with this, and it just sucks for everybody.
    At least now it seems like most of the players are feeling the pain as well.
    Where's my champagne, Willie? Where's the champagne for all of us?

  • Anonymous

    Likewise, let's not waste our summer praying in vain for a savior to rise from these streets.

  • Anonymous

    watching the fast forward now. (do not ask me why.) why did the PA play “hands up” after the tatis 2RBI hit? could we possibly win after that?
    also, beltran really couldn't catch that 2RBI hit in the 8th? he lost it in the sun. unbelievable.

  • Anonymous

    Blame it on the truth that ran us down.

  • Anonymous

    Why do I think there is an underlying message hidden in this?

  • Anonymous

    Blow away the dreams that break your heart and blow away the dreams that tear you apart.

  • Anonymous

    Oh, that reminds me: where's Laurie been?

  • Anonymous

    Maybe he's a mole. He's helping out my PHILLIES more this year then he did on the staff. Way to go Wagner

  • Anonymous

    is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?

  • Anonymous

    I was thinking the same thing about Beltran and that drive to center. It just goes to show we're spoiled by Beltran's outfield play. If it's humanly catchable, we expect him to get it, and he usually does…not there though.