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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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Natspos Out, Metspos In
by Greg Prince on 19 August 2008 2:55 am

It had to happen sooner or later. With Nick Johnson and Chad Cordero disabled and Luis Ayala traded, there is no longer a single Montreal Expo on the active roster of the former Montreal Expos, a.k.a. the Washington Nationals. Fewer than four seasons removed from their Canadian abandonment, the Nats have moved on. The New York Mets, however, boast five former Montreal Expos on their active roster: Pedro Martinez, Endy Chavez, Brian Schneider, Fernando Tatis and, of course, Luis Ayala, acquired over the weekend for Anderson Hernandez by former Expo/current Met GM Omar Minaya. This brings to 2008 Metspo count to nine, including DL’d Ryan Church, Moises Alou and Tony Armas and New Orleans Zephyr Claudio Vargas. Other ex-Expos cashing checks in Flushing: Jerry Manuel, Dan Warthen and Tony Bernazard.
As the above photo illustrates, the Mets-Expos connection continues to fascinate me almost as much as it does Minaya, especially now that it is clearly stronger than the Nationals-Expos connection. Why Citi Field was not designed to reflect the rich baseball heritage of Le Stade Olympique (or at least Parc Jarry) is beyond me.
By the way, that’s Juan Rivera’s 2004 uniform top, found in a pile of fairly expensive laundry at this summer’s FanFest. Somebody was selling game-used Expowear for $110 a shirt. It was tempting, but so is paying the mortgage. (Bonus feature: My enormous head is blocking Chipper Jones’ tiny Topps body in the background.) |
Hi Greg,
Of course there is a Met-Expo bond that can never be broken.
We hosted them in their first major league game ever played, were the victims of their first major league win, the villians behind their first major league loss and the creators of their first major league losing streak. Tommy Agee's immortalized Shea Stadium upper deck blast was hit off Expo Larry Jaster.
Dons Bosch and Shaw were the first two Met players (via expansion draft) to wear an Expo uniform and play against their former team, however, an exchange of uniforms later that year played an intergral part in the creation of the '69 Miracle Mets; we sent sent them Kevin Collins and Steve Renko (plus two minor leaguers) in exchange for eventual World Series MVP Don Clendenon.
Tempting, no joke. I must have walked by that table 7 or 8 times wondering if it was worth it…