The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Mets Family Holiday Newsletter

Greetings All!

Welcome to our Mets Family Holiday Newsletter! Is it possible another year has come and gone? Gosh, it seems like 2008 just started, all full of hope and yet here we are again.

The big news around here is our new house! Yes, even in this market! Let's just say we got a pretty good deal from the city (and the Citi — ha!) before things started to turn. Our new address is at the bottom. We're so excited! We'd love to invite everybody over, but it's kind of smaller than the last one, so do us a favor and call ahead (way ahead — we're gonna be pretty popular this summer!).

Seriously, if you want to come over, you really do need to plan with us in advance. We used to say come on over any time, that we had plenty of room, and we did, but our new home is a lot more intimate than the old one, so even though we really do want you to see it, you'll have to come over in shifts.

Also, you'll need to park where the old house is — I mean was! They're still clearing it away, but it should be all gone by the time we're ready for visitors. If it's not, don't freak out on us! We're right next door!

We're still decorating the new place. We thought we might have a new banner to display in the great room, but we seem to have lost that in September before the move (at least moving gives us an alibi this time!). It was a good year at the Mets anyway, we guess. Oh, we had to make some changes we weren't anticipating, some of them really late at night when everybody was asleep, but you know what they say about things changing and things staying the same.

Things always change with us Mets! And they stay the same!

The kids were adorable this year again, as you can tell from the enclosed photographs. Somebody got a Gold Glove and a Silver Slugger for Christmas! Somebody else got knee surgery, but not because he was a bad boy or anything. He was quite good, actually! We adopted another couple of kids just in time for the holidays. Santa's taking care of them quite nicely. Alas, we had to kick out a couple of their brothers to make room, but you know what they say about omelettes and breaking eggs. We break a lot of eggs here at the Mets!

We'll try to stay out of trouble in the coming year (we seem to have a knack for finding it — ha again!) and we promise to follow through on our New Year's resolution to finish what we start more often. It wouldn't be the New Year if we didn't make that resolution…before we break it! (ha once more!).

Happy Holidays!

The Mets Family

13 comments to The Mets Family Holiday Newsletter

  • Anonymous

    “We ripped out Laurie's heart and ate it for breakfast with the eggs.”
    Happy F**king Holidays, Mets. >:-(

  • Anonymous

    …and the Skanks just got teixiera…..

  • Anonymous

    I was surprised that the Mets showed so little interest in him, considering that Delgado only has one year left on his contract. But, I'm just glad he didn't end up with the Nationals. That would have made life in the NL East that much more difficult, and it most likely would have been a waste of that guy's prime years.

  • Anonymous

    All I want for Christmas, after peace on earth and good will towards man (and woman), is for the Yankees to suck this year.

  • Anonymous

    Again. heh

  • Anonymous

    Merry Christmas guys!
    Peace and prosperity, and hurry up and write something quick on the latest Yankee spending spree because I'm dying to read it.

  • Anonymous

    Remember when the Mets used to send out Christmas cards? I was never even a partial season plan holder, just an occasional ticket-by-mail purchaser, and every year for a stretch I'd get a nice card with a picture of a logo ornament, or Mr. Met on a sleigh or something. I know it sounds silly, but it made me feel so happy, as if they cared about me in some small way and weren't always just trying to sell me something.

  • Anonymous

    Your wish has been granted. Merry Christmas. Here's hoping the reindeer crap all over the Steinbrenner roof.

  • Anonymous

    I totally remember the Christmas cards.
    Man… those were the days.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, it's hard to believe there was ever a time when there was an actual relationship (well, a good one) between the Mets and their fans. Remember when they'd show up on the first day of ticket sales and serve us hot chocolate? I miss those days too. And of course the cards.

  • Anonymous

    Remember when the Mets used to send out Christmas cards?
    They've gone green…or chintzy, depending on your perception. Anyway, they did e-mail this around.

  • Anonymous

    Enjoy everyone!

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, I got that email also. Still would prefer the old-fashioned cards. I have about 20 yrs worth of them in a binder. Can't stick an email in there, obviously!!