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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Who Should Christen Citi Field?

So, who should throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the new ballpark? Candidates who come to mind…

Ralph Kiner? Original Met and beloved icon.

Tom Seaver? Last pitch at Shea, first pitch at its successor. Also, you might have heard, The Franchise.

Roger Craig and Al Jackson together? Craig won the first game the Mets ever won in the Polo Grounds; Jackson did the same at Shea.

Dwight Gooden? Twenty-fifth anniversary of his electrifying rookie season and the next step in bringing the Doctor back into the fold.

One or more Bill Shea descendant? That and continuing the presentation of the floral horseshoe would be a nice reminder of why there's a National League franchise in New York.

Fred Wilpon? It's his dream, give him his moment.

Don Newcombe? I might save him for the second game, which will be Jackie Robinson Day, but maybe they really want to hit us over the head with the Dodger thing out of the gate.

Michael Bloomberg? Probably not, but he is the mayor who saw that this thing got done.

David Paterson? An actual Mets fan and the governor.

Barack Obama? Nothing at all to do with the Mets, but inaugurating a new ballpark with the new president…ah, let him concentrate on his job.

Some Citi executive? I'm sure that person would be heartily received.

Random fan? Maybe somebody who attended the first home game in '62 and the first home game in '64. Gotta be somebody who paid his way into both.

Hobie Landrith? First player Mets picked in the '61 expansion draft. If you don't have a catcher throw out the first pitch, you're gonna have a lot of passed balls.

Any other ideas?

And while you ponder that, can you help a sister — one of our own — out with some votes so she can be kicking Suzy Kolber and some other stiff competition? Let's keep these things in the Mets family.

33 comments to Who Should Christen Citi Field?

  • Anonymous

    Just so long as it's not a Lincoln Mercury dealer.
    Also, there are two opportunities to throw the historic first pitch – at the exhibition game, and at the season opener. So we can decide upon two honorees.

  • Anonymous

    My vote goes to Fred Wilpon or Keith Hernandez.
    On a completely different topic, who do we call to make sure that the relevant portions of the following songs are played after momentous moments in the Citi:
    “In The Citi” by Joe Walsh
    “It's Hard to be a Saint in the Citi” by Bruce Springsteen

  • Anonymous

    It occurs to me Mookie is forever No. 1 and, should they lure him back, you could do worse than letting him lead off (even if he didn't have much of an arm).
    If they have to shill up to Citigroup, the exhibition series would be a perfect time for that. I'd prefer they work on figuring out how to pay everybody back.
    Come June, “Summer in the City” should be added to the playlist. Lovin' Spoonful's version is fine, but Isaac Hayes' cover would be awesome.
    Assuming it's still called Citi Field by June.

  • Anonymous

    Citi should open the same way Shea closed (and no, I don't mean by a season ending loss by the Mets to Florida)…with Piazza and Seaver coming in from Centerfield, and Seaver pitching to Mike (and hopefully readching homeplate this time)

  • Anonymous

    Mrs. Jackie Robinson

  • Anonymous

    This is the only thing that makes any sense. A clear no-brainer.

  • Anonymous

    Darn post order!
    Seaver and Piazza have to do it.
    Mrs Robinson, if we need to acknowledge further, can receive flowers or something. I dunno if she (or Ralph) are physically up to a ceremonial toss.

  • Anonymous

    My thoughts exactly.

  • Anonymous

    Secretary Hank Paulson.

  • Anonymous

    Rocky Cherry?
    Just like the name…

  • Anonymous

    1) Seaver pitches ro Piazza, continuity from closing Shea
    2) Chico Escuela, because baseball's been “berra berra good” to him.

  • Anonymous

    Tommy Lasorda throwing to Vikram Pandit.

  • Anonymous

    I kinda like Gooden throwing to Carter.

  • Anonymous

    How about the Spoonfull's “Summer In The City”?

  • Anonymous

    Like that idea – last we saw of them was closing the centerfield fence so opening it again would be a nice touch. Only question: would Citfield have a centerfield entrance?

  • Anonymous

    Surprised nobody mentioned Jack Fischer, who started Shea's inagurial game back in '64. But I think the Seaver-Piazza reprise is the best of all.

  • Anonymous

    Can't we do all of these suggestions?
    Seriously, every year there's about 9 different ceremonial “first” pitches.
    And Greg, though the Citi executive is HIGHLY possible, what's even more possible is some Citi Executive's stupid 10-year old kid who stands on the rubber and waits for the catcher to put down a sign.
    Sorry… I'm not a big fan of children.

  • Anonymous

    My dad was at Opening Day at '62 and '64, so, given your suggestion, I'd like to officially throw Gene Feder into the mix.
    I'm desperately trying to figure out a way to get him to that game. It's more important to me that he's there than it is to him. Any ideas?
    Also, this is my first time commenting here, but I've been reading and loving the site since July. Congrats on the book deal and thanks for being being fantastic, even when the Mets are not. Here's to a great '09!
    Russ Feder

  • Anonymous

    Good to hear from you, and Gene Feder sounds like an ideal candidate. Beyond the usual aftermarket of tickets brokering, I'm not sure.
    Appreciate the thoughtful words. Email me at the Faith and Fear address if you get a chance..

  • Anonymous

    bernie madoff

  • Anonymous

    Let's face it: just like they fucked up EVERY OTHER EVENT REQUIRING SOMEONE SIGNIFICANT (with the exception of the Seaver/Piazza door closing), this will get fucked up too.
    It's going to be some jerkoff from Citi, and it is our solemn duty as Mets fans, New Yorkers, and US Taxpayers to boo the living daylights out of him. We need to boo him like we boo Chipper Jones, Roger Clemens, Braden Looper, Armando Benitez and Yadier Molina. Take the firepower you use for each one individually and combine it into one mighty force.
    (thanks for the shoutout, guys)

  • Anonymous

    Gov. Patterson? Who's gonna be able to catch that one. And he'd be the first to say, “It looked like a strike to me!”
    Seaver to Piazza, maybe with the same ball they used for the final pitch at Shea!

  • Anonymous

    I nominate Greg Prince. You know, that blog guy. Not that he needs any introduction.

  • Anonymous

    24 comments and nobody has mentioned the most obvious choice. The man who took down #1 off the right-centerfield wall and revealed the Citi Field logo to a chorus of appreciative Shea fans…. Mr. Met.
    What, no good?

  • Anonymous

    We know Schenider would be flummoxed.

  • Anonymous

    How about Ralph Kiner? He's been here since the beginning. But with the Wilpons' seeming indifference to Mets' history at the expense of the Dodgers, I don't see it happening.

  • Anonymous

    How about Jesse Orosco, providing he drops to his knees and throws his glove in the air afterward.

  • Anonymous

    Mr. Met throwing a baseball would be like midget bowling.

  • Anonymous

    Particularly if the midget had a bowling ball for a head.

  • Anonymous

    Seaver to Piazza seems popular, and acceptable. How about Seaver to Wright? or Someone in Shea's family to Wright. while Piazza works, if we're doing some sort of bridge, I like old->new. Piazza really represents part of the old now.

  • Anonymous

    Piazza and Seaver should walk in from center field and take their positions on the mound and behind the plate. Seaver throws to Piazza and then steps off the mound. Johann Santana takes the mound. The starting line-up takes their positions in the field. Piazza throws the ball to Santana … and the torch is passed to the next generation!

  • Anonymous

    That's a great idea!