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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Miracle, You Say?

MIRACLE ON THE HUDSON is a headline I would have hoped to have seen describe some incredible play some incredible second baseman made on our behalf (a second baseman who's still sitting out there on the open market, FYI). But this other thing will do, too.

Having grudgingly rewatched Game Seven of the 2006 NLCS on MLBN the other night, I could have told you that you can never trust birds.

And this Sully guy? Can't say I've seen a better save — or does Capt. Sullenberger get the hold and the ferry crews the save? As a Mets fan who survived the icy plunge of late innings last August and September, I'd forgotten what a save looked like.

The 2:35 mark here confirms we know a little something about miracles. US Airways Flight 1549…about as close to 1969 as you can get in real life. Nice work.

Very nice.

Crass promotional announcement latched onto the tail end of true heroism: Flashback Friday returns to this space in one week.

8 comments to Miracle, You Say?

  • Anonymous

    Pilot gets the win, no?

  • Anonymous

    Excellent scoring decision. If there were more Pilots like that, there never would have been any Milwaukee Brewers (and we would have won the Wild Card last year).

  • Anonymous

    While we are on the topic of flying, am I crazy for wanting the Mets to take a flyer on Andrew Jones? Dodgers are paying him the big money, short-money incentive deal to see if he can get it back is worth a shot, no?
    Sign him for short money and then spend bigger money to hire the best P.I. I could find to hunt down the Braves fan with the voodoo doll.
    Two years ago we were talking about a sure-fire Hall of Famer, now…

  • Anonymous

    I don't speak for all Met fans, but I speak for a lot when I tell you: yes. You are, in fact, crazy.

  • Anonymous

    And Bud Selig would still be selling Studebakers…

  • Anonymous

    Someone give that man a Citi Field 2009 Inaugural Season Patch.

  • Anonymous

    Hudson? Pass. Castillo will likely have a better year.

  • Anonymous

    Miracle on the Castillo…now that would be something out of the book of Sully.