The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Who We Are … the Faith and Fear Demographics

Before we get into some numbers … my goodness do I hate the Yankees.

Sure, I'd made the usual jokes about how my answer to the question of a Phillies-Yankees World Series would be to root for plague. But seeing them tonight before the baying hordes in Leni Riefenstahl Park, all the jokes fell away. I would be rooting hard for the Phillies. Of course I would be. Not because Pedro might be there, or because I don't despise the Phillies with the proper intensity, or because it's the National League, but because the Phillies, for all their Victorinoness and their own horrid fans, are Not the Yankees.

But before it comes to that, Go Twins! And since that is almost certainly not going to work, Go Angels! And failing that, Go Rockies! And failing that, um, Go Dodgers/Red Sox! Or Go Red Sox/Dodgers! (What's a Not the Yankees fan to do, given the choice of more Joe Torre fawning or another title for the Pink Hats?) And then, finally … Go Phillies!

And should that not work … well, Go Stoicism!

I suppose we could do a survey of bandwagon teams, but in the meantime, here are results of our Faith and Fear readership survey, as requested by a number of folks who were kind enough to answer our questions:

Faith and Fear readers are…

87% male

30% in the 25-34 age bracket, 26% 45-54, 22% 35-44, 13% 18-24, 7% 55-64, 1% 65+ and 1% under 18.

55% of you live in New York, 17% in New Jersey, 4% in Connecticut and 23% in “Other.” Favored subdivisions of Other included North Carolina, California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Georgia.

42% of you also identify yourselves as Jets fans, 39% for the Giants, 27% for the Knicks, 25% for the Rangers, 15% for the Islanders, 10% for the Devils, 8% for the Nets, and 3% for the Liberty. 20% of you said you were just Mets fans. Five people copped to rooting for the Yankees.

37% of you said you watched or listened to the Mets three or four times a week. 30% said you listened to/watched every game unless something extraordinary happened. 16% listen to/watch one or two games a week, 8% listen to/watch less than five a month, and 7% listen to/watch just a few games.

40% of you attended five or fewer Citi Field games this year. 26% attended none. 14% were in the house 11 to 20 times, 13% six to 10 times, 4% were in the 21-30 range, 3% attended 31 to 40 games, and 1% attended more than 40.

83% of you gave us your blessing for ads or said that was OK as long as the ads weren't obnoxious. Thank you. If we do go that route, we'll do everything we can to make sure they aren't.

In asking what Faith and Fear-related things might interest you, 61% of you were interested or potentially interested in other merchandise like the Numbers t-shirt. 61% of you said might read us about other topics. (Coming soon — Corrugated Cardboard With Greg and Jace! More seriously, thanks for that. That was a very pleasant surprise.) 56% of you might go for a group event at Citi. 46% of you gave the thumbs-up to more events like Amazin' Tuesdays. And 41% were interested in Greg/Jace video.

What does this mean? Nothing until at least after the World Series, and after that we'll see. At any rate, we both very much appreciate your taking the survey and all the nice things you said about the blog. Back in February 2005, we had no idea this would come to mean so much to us, or that we'd make so many friends doing it. Thank you one and all.

6 comments to Who We Are … the Faith and Fear Demographics

  • Anonymous

    Thank YOU guys for giving us all such a great gift on a daily basis!

  • Anonymous

    Greg and Jason,
    The thanks all goes to you guys – for providing us fresh, antidotial material to discuss nearly every single day.
    As far as the problem of a Yankee-Phillie World Series, guess it comes down to putting New York ahead of the City of Brotherly Love.

  • Anonymous

    thanks for the daily read guys. i reccomend it to my friends often also.
    on topic: i think i'm going to have to root for the yankees. this is their year and its looking inevitable. i'd be sick if the phillies win two in a row.
    and i guess when i say “root” it's more of “rooting” against the phillies.

  • Anonymous

    Phillies might not advance in the playoffs if they can't get another game going in Denver.

  • Anonymous

    I'd buy a shirt if it didn't have 42 on it. Although I understand why you guys went that way.

  • Anonymous

    … and .0000001% of the readers (me) are typing this with a broken elbow.