The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Five Yearbooks, No Waiting

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 2, looms as one of the finest days and happiest New Year’s greetings in sports broadcasting history. After your USF Bulls gore the Northern Illinois Huskies in the much-awaited International Bowl at noon on ESPN2 (it’s on ESPN2 because it’s twice as big a deal as any bowl on ESPN), switch to SNY by five o’clock for the METS YEARBOOK MARATHON.

• 5:00 PM — Mets Yearbook: 1968
• 5:30 PM — Mets Yearbook: 1963
• 6:00 PM — Mets Yearbook: 1975
• 6:30 PM — Mets Yearbook: 1971
• 7:00 PM — Mets Yearbook: 1984

I’m not sure if SNY planned this blessed event as a way of extending the good vibes sure to be wrought by the Bulls’ victory (guarantee of victory not included) or as a way of catapulting us in style toward the Baseball Equinox, that point on the calendar where we are exactly as far from the end of the previous season’s final Mets game as we are from the scheduled first pitch of the forthcoming season’s first Mets game. This winter’s Baseball Equinox arrives Monday morning, January 4, at approximately 2:22 AM, Eastern Standard Time. Chances are you’ll be asleep, dreaming of vintage highlight films, and hopefully not up, cursing out the callowness of Mark Sanchez or the general bizarreness of Rex Ryan.

In any event, you have been warned, so be sure to watch and/or record. And in case you missed it when we were transitioning to WordPress, be sure to check our blog-exclusive interview with Gary Morgenstern, SNY’s vp of programming, to get the scoop on how Mets Yearbook came to air.

6 comments to Five Yearbooks, No Waiting

  • Hallelujah!

    Those were great rain-delay fodder. Looking forward to watching them.

    And happy Jesse Orosco to you. Pretty soon you will be the Big Sid Fernandez.

  • Ron Davis

    withen 48 years is that only 5 yearbooks they have..? i hate to be gready but come on thats not a high pct.

  • Joe D.

    Hi Greg,

    Already have those five and waiting for some more to come on. Retaining them on my DVR so I can make dvds containing eight on each (no SLP quality for our guys).

    Next Thursday SNY is showing “Aces of ’69”. Not part of the Yearbook series but might be interesting if also produced 40 years ago.

  • vertigone

    Aces of 69 was recorded this summer over the 69 celebration weekend. It’s Ron Darling interviewing Seaver, Koosman and Ryan. It’s great, and these Yearbooks are too. I could watch this stuff day and night.