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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Johan the Human Band-Aid

Nothing is wrong with the Mets’ world when Johan Santana is right.

There is no arrest.

There is no arraignment.

There is no civil suit.

There is no issue over who pitches the eighth.

There is no wondering who will pitch the ninth.

There is no pitch count.

There is no endless slump.

There is no idiot manager.

There is no inane remark about the sun coming up.

There is no waste-of-space rightfielder resenting his benching.

There is no waste-of-space lefthander resisting demotion.

There is no Chris Carlin in the studio.

There is no unconquerable margin in the standings.

There are no problems capturing rubber games.

There are no problems at all.

There ain’t no mountain high enough.

There ain’t no valley low enough.

There ain’t no river wide enough.

There ain’t no “here we go again…” narrative.

When there is Johan Santana, there is Baseball Like It Oughta Be.

There are nine shutout innings.

There are ten strikeouts.

There are insurance runs set up by a hit-and-run single.

There is a New York Mets victory over the Colorado Rockies.

There is a New York Mets triumph over the forces of doom.

There is too much time between Johan Santana starts.

11 comments to Johan the Human Band-Aid

  • dmg

    is johan the MAN, or what?

  • metsadhd

    can’t we have him pinch hit, all the rest are assault on a baseball with dead weapons.

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by You Gotta Believe!, Greg Prince. Greg Prince said: Johan the Human Band-Aid covers up all that is wrong with the #Mets […]

  • There are great posts like this.

  • Tom in Sunnyside

    I tell you, if it weren’t for Johan Santana I’d have absolutely no interest or faith going into any particular Mets game right now. Sure, Niese has been a pleasant surprise, but let’s face it, we’re not expecting seven innings of scoreless or one run pitching every time out, though he seems to deliver it over and over again. You know when Johan takes the mound he will give you everything he has, and on most days that’s better than all but a couple pitchers playing right now. A shame we can’t clone him for two or three other starts in the rotation. I’d like to see some other players, regardless of position, display a little of the mental toughness he brings every fifth day.

  • Ken K.

    In your recent post about a 1962 radio broadcast you mentioned Lindsay Nelson asking if anyone had a place for some Mets to live. Now that K-Rod is looking for new digs, I wonder if Howie Rose will make a similar announcement…

  • BlackCountryMet

    When Johan pitches like that, it’s a reminder of why he earns what he earns and how pitching is art form to be admired. OK the off the field stuff is bad and in no way dismissed, but is this guy good at his JOB(which is after all what concerns us) or WHAT!! SUPERB

  • metsadhd

    can a lawyer among us address the question whether Jerry can be charged as an accessory before the fact for his complete stupidity of not bringing in Krod for a four out save.
    No wonder Jerry is so beloved by our rivals, he never fails to snatch defeat out of the jars of victory.

    If memory serves me well this is how the French Revolution started, the hell with Shake Shacks, off with their heads.

  • Tom in Sunnyside

    metsadhd, while I do not pretend to be a lawyer I am sure any defense attorney would use and win with an incompetence defense.

    Then Jerry goes out and says he would have had no problem using K-Rod if he showed up to yesterday’s game without handcuffs. Give me a break! The incident took place inside the ballpark, in front of the families of other team members! What would it take for Jerry to bench him? Beat up a kid in front of his own eyes? Don’t know all the facts? There’s enough there to bench him until you DO know all the facts! Congratulations, you’ve just alienated the players whose families had to witness K-Rod’s misdeeds. Maybe that will be the last straw to get you fired at the end of the season.

  • metsadhd

    The sooner Jerry leaves the better.
    If he had an ounce of dignity or self-respect, he would resign.
    Certainly in Japan he would.
    I cannot believe as fans, we have not risen up in our despair and held a sit-in until the Wilpons sell.
    It worked for us at Columbia in 1969 but that was when the world was young and the Mets were champs.
    Actually Columbia was 68.
    The Mets for me are in lieu of therapy but I never imagined therapy is exactly what they need.
    Perez, Pelfry, Reyes, Wright and now Krod.
    This is spreading faster and larger than a herd on NYC cockroaches outside the Shake Shack.
    I have said it before and I will say it agin, exactly how many Commandments have the fanbase broken to deserve this.?

  • […] that’s with seven or eight minutes devoted to getting the home run call wrong. Amazin’! Back-to-back complete game shutouts during the two days of Francisco Rodriguez’s suspension. Doubly […]