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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Rooting For A Brave

Strange how one minute Wednesday night’s game was all about Tim Hudson and the next minute Wednesday night’s game was all about Tim Hudson, yet in a totally different realm come that critical second minute. First Hudson’s impenetrable to every orange-jerseyed Mets batter. Then he’s vulnerable to one Mets runner, and the next thing you know, the pitcher who figuratively couldn’t be touched literally can’t get up. His night is over, his season is over, his career is in limbo. His team won a ballgame, but quite obviously lost a lot more.

“Strange” is putting it mildly. “Unfortunate” is placing it in a rather sterile context. Let’s just say it was very tough for Hudson, who gruesomely suffered a broken ankle when Eric Young stepped on his right leg as Hudson awkwardly fielded a toss from Freddie Freeman at first base. Young was doing his job, Hudson his. Hudson went down hard. Young — on whose behalf you don’t mind using clichés like “he’s a real ballplayer” — turned distraught, contrite and empathetic all in plain sight. Young’s not just a real ballplayer but a real person.

No, I don’t know what means exactly, but you get the idea.

As Mets fans, we’re not exactly crazy about the Braves nor are we predisposed to worry about their collective fortunes let alone their starting rotation. Still, we’d like to believe we’re real people, too, at least in our off hours. So heal up, Tim Hudson, pitcher against whom we’ve rooted diligently since 2005. Heal up thoroughly and heal up quickly. We look forward to your standing tall on a mound again somewhere soon.

15 comments to Rooting For A Brave

  • open the gates

    I’ve liked Eric Young ever since he first put on a Mets uniform. He’s played well, and he’s got the right attitude, both on and off the field. And if you don’t think that’s important, may I remind you of the sundry Vince Colemans and Grant Robertses that litter Mets history. This guy’s a keeper.

    I join you in wishing a speedy recovery to Mr. Hudson. Hopefully, the boys in blue and orange will do a little better against him next time. And may it be soon.

  • Steve D

    When I play softball, there is a dual base at first base, one in foul territory, to avoid this type of possibility. Just thinking out loud, but what would the downside be to try this in MLB?

    • Dave

      I think you’re on to something, but purists will argue that it gives too much advantage to the hitter/runner by expanding the surface that he has to reach in order to be safe, and could even constitute allowing him to run out of the baseline if the extra bag surface is in foul territory. Aside from trying to prevent very expensive pitchers from throwing their arms out, baseball doesn’t do an awful lot to prevent injuries. And look what happened when Charlie Finley just tried to make the bases a different color.

      • kjs

        Bases. Forgot that. I remember he used / proposed orange baseballs to increase tv visibility. I think. He was a hoot; the 73 WS results still sting a bit.

  • mikeski

    Heard a post-game quote from EY where he said that “you always try to put your best foot forward”. He was clearly just using a figure of speech but, c’mon…that’s gold, Jerry.

  • Ken K. in NJ

    Why was it necessary to parade Hudson around the perimeter of the field like he was an injured Cal Ripken or something? They couldn’t have taken a shortcut across the field??

    It was like they were giving the fans a chance to revel in the sight of a Fallen Brave (not that they did, to thier credit, although I was holding my breath…), but it certainly wasn’t dignified to subject Hudson to a Grand Tour of the Outfield while he was in excruciating pain.

    • Joe D.

      Hi Ken,

      The cart also went along the perimeter of the field to get to Hudson as well, instead of taking a shortcut across it as well.

      If it was anything like a life-threatening injury I am sure they would have taken the shortest and quickest route possible. Otherwise, it just seems that the integrity of the turf takes precedent.

  • Joe D.

    Eric immediately came to Hudson’s side and one could tell how visibly upset he was. After being lifted onto the ambulette one saw Tim trying to console Young, who them appeared to be in tears when he was walking back to the dugout. I do hope Eric won’t hold himself responsible for this accident and that his conscience will not cause him to carry some undeserved guilt weighing down on his shoulders.

    I think we were all shocked when we saw the replay in slow motion. The first replay must have been aired on SNY and the Citi Field video board at the same time because we heard a collective gasp from the crowd at the same time we heard it from Ron, Keith and I gather most all of us who were watching on television.

    Reminded me of the play which took out Daniel Murphy at second back in 2011. Though he was not on the bag, Murph was standing directly behind it with his legs in-line with the middle of it, making him an unintentional target.

    Just sad.

  • March'62

    What a dreary game all around. The only cause to cheer the whole night was when a big college kid threw an 80 MPH fastball right at the target and dunked the guy dressed in a Brave uniform.

    Other than that, nothing. No pitching. No hitting. No fielding. No surprise. Not sure how putting Ike, Kirk, Recker, Q, and the pitcher one after another in a lineup could produce much of anything. Ladies and gentlemen, your lefty platoon.

    I got to the game right as it started and I thought I missed batting practice. Until I saw Hefner tossing a few. And that’s a pretty nifty shift TC implemented by putting Murphy near the warning track to prevent McCann (repeat McCann) from grounding one thru the infield.

    And don’t get me started on the whole Los Mets in orange nonsense.

    Okay, I admit it. I’m bitter. But I can’t recall the last time I saw the Mets win one in person.

    I was going to invoke the old saying of “if you can’t hit the pitcher, hit the pitcher” line but having suffered a similar gruesome ankle break, I only wish Mr. Hudson a speedy and complete recovery and we’ll get you next time.

  • open the gates

    As a side note, the great Howie Rose reminds us why it’s worth listening to even the dreary ones.

    Early in the game, the between-pitches banter had turned to the topic of our old friend Alex Rodriguez. Howie said, “I don’t know if A-Rod is the Anthony Weiner of baseball, or if Anthony Weiner is the A-Rod of politics. Just go away, both of you.”

    I had to pull off the road, I was laughing so hard.

    • Howie’s finely honed curmudgeonliness does pay dividends from time to time. Today, after Josh brought listeners up to speed on the latest A-Rod shenanigans, Howie returned to the action with, “meanwhile, back on planet earth…”

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