The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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We Can Hitch a Ride to Briarwood, Queens

My first brush with publication came 38 years ago this month in my junior high literary magazine, Pieces of Mind. The story I wrote was called “Saturday Afternoon Fever,” about four friends whose entire existence revolved around going to the library at the end of their week, which was the only thing that made them feel alive. Gibb-inspired song lyrics embedded within the narrative included, “Readin’ A Book,” “Book Fever,” “How Long Is Your Book?” and “More Than A Bookworm”.

Learn, baby, learn...about the Mets and stuff.

Learn, baby, learn…about the Mets and stuff.

It was 1978 and, trust me, it was very on-point. There was even talk of a movie, albeit most of it between my friend Joel Lugo (who recently reminded me of the entire ninth-grade episode) and me.

The not-so-subtle subtext of my Saturday Night Fever parody was a good-natured ribbing of those who theoretically preferred a trip to the library over anything else in the world. I mean, c’mon, who would want to spend their Saturday afternoon in a library?

You will, I hope.

Everything that comes around goes around, or something like that, for this Saturday afternoon, Amazin’ Again Fever will burn like a disco inferno at the Queens Library’s Briarwood branch. That may be an overstatement, but the nice folks there have asked me to talk baseball in their building and I am looking forward to doing so at 3 PM, June 25.

You can find the Briarwood branch at 85-12 Main Street, accessible via the Briarwood (formerly Briarwood – Van Wyck Blvd.) stop of the E and F trains; the 168th St. exit off the Grand Central (turn left onto Main); and four bus lines that begin with the letter Q: 20A, 20B, 44 and 60. I’ll bring some books, I’ll share some thoughts, we’ll solve the Mets and we’ll be done in time for that evening’s 7:15 first pitch from Atlanta.

I hope you’ll join me. I can’t think of a better topic to discuss, indoors or out, on a Saturday afternoon.

For those of you in New Jersey who have asked for an Amazin’ appearance on your side of the Hudson, mark Thursday, July 28, 7 PM at Little City Books of Hoboken, on your calendars and other appropriate date-marking apps.

7 comments to We Can Hitch a Ride to Briarwood, Queens

  • Dave

    Well, in the Queens-born spirit of the musical reference in the title of the piece, 24 24 24 hours a day, Mets bats look sedated. But to all Mets fans, gabba gabba, we accept you, we accept you’re one of us.

    Greg, I’m glad to see you’re venturing out to the western banks of the Hudson. Make sure your immunizations are up to date, apply for a visa early, download the app to translate Lawn Guyland English into Jer-Z, but you can continue to use the same currency.

  • eric1973

    Right on, Dennis.

    Funny thing is, is that the team the player is on when he commits the vile act is pressured to punish and release him.

    But as soon as he signs with a new team shortly thereafter, all that is basically forgotten, and ‘give him a second chance’ becomes the prevailing thought, even though nothing has really changed.

  • eric1973

    The eyes are deceiving me. Was that Familia in a game with less than a 4-run lead?

    Usually, he’s unavailable because he was overused pitching in a blowout the night before….. Kind of like why Syndergaard could not pitch tonight.

    Will wonders never cease.

  • eric1973

    Yes, a bit of delirium had set in with regard to the Mets relief corp.

  • […] Mets game Saturday afternoon, so come spend an hour and change with me at the Queens Library in Briarwood, where I’ll be discussing Amazin’ Again and sharing some related baseball/book thoughts […]