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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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One Loss is Very Like Another

Where it says the Dodgers beat the Mets, 8-7, replace with the Pirates beat the Mets, 6-4.

Where it says sixth consecutive loss, replace with seventh.

Where it says 25th loss in 32 games, replace with 26th loss in 33 games.

Where it says seven solo home runs, replace with two that accounted for three runs.

Where it says Kevin Plawecki provided a moment of hope that proved fleeting, replace with Wilmer Flores.

Where it says a haphazard plan that involved nothing but relief pitchers, replace with a fairly decent outing from Seth Lugo undermined by shoddy defense from seldom-used Luis Guillorme.

Where it says major league debut for Kevin Kaczmarski, replace with major league debut for Tyler Bashlor.

Where it says Brandon Nimmo left the game after being hit by a pitch, replace with Brandon Nimmo entered the game as a pinch-runner and stayed in for defense.

Where it says “a smiling Nimmo,” replace with “a grim Nimmo”.

Where it says Mickey Callaway admitted Dom Smith doesn’t know how to bunt, replace with Mickey Callaway remained resolutely upbeat in the face of nearly incomprehensible ineptitude.

Where it says first baseman Smith, replace with left fielder Smith.

Where it says the Mets are tied with the Marlins for the fewest wins in the National League, replace with the Mets have the fewest wins in the National League.

Where it says 2018…yeah, you can keep that.

Where it says “no game Thursday,” replace with OFF NIGHT FOR METS FANS: READIN’, WRITIN’ & RUSTYTwo Boots Midtown East, 337 Lexington Ave., between 39th and 40th Streets, Thursday, June 28, 7:00 PM. Join a trio of Mets fan authors, grab a slice of Two Boots pizza and have a fine baseball time designed to improve all our perspectives.The details are here. Hope to see you there.

14 comments to One Loss is Very Like Another

  • Ken K. in NJ

    …Where it says Mickey Callaway admitted Dom Smith doesn’t know how to bunt, replace Mickey Callaway.


    When does Luis Guillorme report to the Long Island Ducks?

  • LeClerc

    Sandy fiddles while Mets burn.

  • Kevin From Flushing

    This season is somehow combining the hot-start-to-flatline, poor-choice-of-free-agents 2002 season with the wtf-battling of 2003.


  • Pete In Iowa

    Where it says I got up from watching to re-install reglazed windows, replace it with I got up from watching to paint some window sills.
    It’s to the point where ANYTHING is better than sitting down to watch this utter garbage.

  • Since64

    Things look very poor now, but I want to remind, as I have before, we have been to the World Series every decade of our existence, with the exception of the 90’s.

    We grew up with bad baseball, but somehow the Mets were always lovable and Joan Payson would come to watch the games from her box amid the fans and was not afraid. Would the Wilpons do that?

    But we have grown and have learned to expect better. There is another franchise in NY that has winning in their blood. When a Sabathia or Stanton hits the free market they go for him and pay top dollar. Why? They do what they think they have to do, in order to win.

    Don’t be surprised if they end up with deGrom! I would hate to lose him, but I tip my hat to a well run baseball organization that is serious about their endeavor. It just hurts me that my organization doesn’t have the same attitude.

    • Since64, Ended18

      Matters are certainly as putrid as they’ve ever been, but if deGrom ended up on The New York Team Serious About Their Endeavor, it would put an end to many a fan’s lifetime of baseball fandom.

      Edited by moderator for tone. Please attack only the Mets’ losing ways, not your fellow FAFIF reader.

      • Since64

        Aren’t you over dramatizing a bit. I mean really, M. Donald Grant traded future Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan to the Angels for 3rd baseman, Jim Fregosi. Did that diminish our fandom? Nope. When the Mets traded the franchise, Tom Seaver, to the Reds did we backtrack from our team. Nope. (Tom was in favor so what could we say)

        What brought me close to withdrawing from the whole of this game was 1994. As you go through life holy cows gradually get slaughtered, and you realize that the things you believed in, aren’t quite the way you thought they are. Baseball, the national game, is above it all. Nope. It’s a business just like any other, and the players deserve more of the pie then they were getting. It changed the game forever.

        Did I give it up? Nope. Baseball runs in my veins. It’s as simple as that.

        I did not mean to attack anyone, unless your name is Wilpon, and certainly not the readers of FAFIF. Apologies to all who thought so. LGM.

  • Greg Mitchell

    deGrom on the way to the Dodgers for 3 anonymous relief prospects, no doubt.

    Tired of listing the dozen horrid decisions by Sandy. This is also the man who misjudged current talent of Bruce, Swarzak, Vargas, Blevins, AGonz and on and on.

    Also humorous to recall his overhaul of team trainers and training which was to result in severe cutback in injuries. How did that work out?

  • eric1973

    Seeing Robles give up the game winning home run on Sunday in his first outing for LAA puts me in mind of Dr. Bellows regarding Major Nelson driving someone else insane:

    “It’s great to see him do it to someone else!”

  • K. Lastima

    Watching Mick the Not-so-Quick’s post-game comments, my jaw dropped in disbelief that he would actually utter the phrase that “the team battled”!!!! Is there no end to this organization’s cluelessness??? Wouldn’t you think that Jay Horowitz or some other member of the Wilpons’ crack P.R. staff would have counseled Callaway to avoid that Art Howe-ism at all costs???

    Paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut: “I’ve got news for Mr. Santayana: we’re doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That’s what it is to be a Mets fan.”

  • mikeL

    nice, dr bellows and vonnegut references in consecutive comments ;0]. (if only we could sic jin-jin on the mets front office!)

    yes unbelievable post game presence – and so soon after the dom-can’t-bunt admission.

    sic jin-jin on mickey too. i’d take a look af ruben amaro as acting manager. he built a pretty nice phillies team.

  • sturock

    Great piece, Greg! It cogently sums up the seeming perpetuity of the morass this club plods through. And yet, perversely, we all go along for the ride. When does it all end?