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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Such is the Languish of Love

For five innings, Lockett was close to our hearts, but in the sixth, we were forced to realize Font just wasn’t our type. By the time we got around to Flexen, we had no strength left.

I’d had a silly thought — a thought so silly that it might have worked. I tried to tell Mickey Callaway that sometimes, like when your summer is on the brink of ending barely after it’s begun, the sixth inning may as well be the ninth inning. Maybe neither Walker Lockett nor Wilmer Font was going to be the one for us. I tried to remind him right then and there how Andrew Miller was used in the 2016 postseason for Cleveland under the watchful eye of pitching coach Mickey Callaway. Miller, the Indians’ best reliever, wasn’t saved for a save opportunity that might not materialize. He was used to ensure wins when wins were up for grabs.

But Mickey wouldn’t even look up from his phone as I made my case. “I gotta respond to this,” he said. “It’s Brodie.”

Brodie. It’s always Brodie. I don’t even think Brodie is supposed to be texting Mickey while the game is going on, but maybe I’m just old-fashioned that way.

“Ask him if we can use extraordinarily well-rested Edwin Diaz here,” I pleaded. “It would seem so innovative that the Phillies wouldn’t know what hit them.”

Mickey grunted and typed. Brodie typed back.

“He says I can’t take out Font yet and I can’t go anywhere near Diaz until we get a lead late.”

“But we have a lead and it’s ready to melt like the Turkey Hill Ice Cream they sell at Citizens Bank Park,” I said. “We were ahead, 5-2, coming into the sixth. Walker was wonderful. He was done, though. It was just one of those things with too many flings.”

“Hold on,” Mickey replied. “Brodie wants me to tell Wilmer to take aim at somebody’s head. He liked your idea about the Phillies not knowing what hits them.”

Brodie. It’s always Brodie and aiming at some Phillie’s head. Brodie’s texts always come first, game or no game. Robinson Cano always comes third, hits or no hits. Jeff McNeil always comes through, win or no win. Gabe Kapler always comes unglued. Or he came unglued out of the box and nobody ever bothered to affix his components properly. Meanwhile, here we are, languishing in fourth place, six games under .500, north only of San Francisco and Miami in the entire league.

Us and the Marlins. What a summer.

20 comments to Such is the Languish of Love

  • Greg Mitchell

    Well, you can look forward to the last game of season when Jeff McNeil will NOT bunt for hit and then disappear but rip a triple to win batting title.

  • eric1973

    I had the same exact thought regarding using Diaz with the season on the line. At least we could have gone down with our best. Or instead actually won the game.

    But the plans to use Font were already in place as of last week, and Lord knows THE PLAN cannot be changed, because THE PLAN is always correct.

  • 9th String Catcher

    “He liked your idea about the Phillies not knowing what hits them.” F**king hilarious.

    Brodie Brodie Brodie!

    I mean, yes, Diaz coming in would be great, but then who do you go to for 7th, 8th and 9th?

    BTW – hearing Wayne Randazzo try to pronounce Walter Lockett’s name was hilarious. I think I counted him say “Walker Lotit” about 12 times. God, I hate his play by play voice – sounds like one of those ESPN drones. His conversational voice and banter with Howie is great, but I can’t listen otherwise.

  • Greg Mitchell

    May be sacrilege but have never liked Howie’s voice either….

    • Seth

      FWIW I agree. Howie was a great radio host; he did a great “Mets Extra” show in the 80’s. Always looked forward to that before and after a game. But he’s not a play-by-play guy.

  • open the gates

    Really, guys? Rose and Daz are two of the best in the business. Always entertaining, knowledgeable, and on top of the action. One of the few things the Wilpons actually got right. Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.

    • 9th String Catcher

      It’s a matter of taste. I like their banter, but can’t stand that style of over-pronouncing every word, 70’s FM voicing crap that Randazzo does. I mean, neither of them are Gary Cohen, but who is? At least neither of them are Wayne Hagin. Uccchhhh.

      • Wayne R. in conversation with Howie is a delight — and check out the Rain Delay Theater podcast he does with Steve Gelbs, an absolute gem. Wayne R. calling a home run could stand to take it down a notch, but over time he’ll get there. Wayne R. was also a capable TV fill-in for Gary C., though Gary C. should never be away. (It’s been thirty years and I want to make sure I’m differentiating Gary Cohen from Gary Thorne.)

        There isn’t much that isn’t better than Wayne H.

        • 9th String Catcher

          Right – I think the scale is Cohen at the top and Hagin at the bottom, with Randazzo somewhere near the lower part of the middle, at least for me.

          Also, it doesn’t help that he replaced Josh Lewin, one of my all time favs.

          I will check out the podcast.

  • mikeL

    captured perfectly. a guy who’s clueless about managing being directed by a former (and future) agent pretending to be a general manager – and pretending to direct his pretend manager as defacto manager.
    i’d say this is no way to run a ballclub – or a country for that matter, but like madge used to say (as i date myself) : “you’re soaking in it”

    please brodie: fire mickey … then step down “to spend more time with your family” take cano, jed, familia with you. they’re YOURS!

  • Greg Mitchell

    I have a CAA agent myself but I barely let him handle my movie stuff let alone run an MLB team….

  • I’m a Mets fan and always will be. I like when they win. Still, I have to admit that there’s a part of me that gets a dark thrill from the thought of them catching the Marlins. Just as a gift to the Wilpons.

  • Pete In Iowa

    Man, it is such a complete joy to watch McNeil hit and play the game. Would love so much to see a lineup full of his type — despite how all the wizards of smart devalue batting average these days. Frankly, I’m tired of their crap. And, I’m getting totally turned off by their new age style of baseball.
    I’m pretty confident McNeil will win the batting title this year. Does anyone really think Bellinger will continue getting base hits at his current pace? With McNeil, he’s not had a prolonged (or mini for that matter) slump in his year in the bigs. He should stay right about where he is, give or take 10-15 points. Should be good enough for the crown!

  • Greg Mitchell

    Meet the Maz, greet the Maz: Chris Mazza the latest sacrificial lamb RP called up from Syracuse. The usual: 29-year-old non-prospect. Asking again: What happened to all those “prospect” RPs Sandy collected?

  • Left Coast Jerry

    McNeil is like a 1960s AM rock radio station. All hits, all the time. His nickname should be Top 40.

  • The last two seasons were just depressing. This season is depressing and sad. Sad because I really enjoy watching a lot of these guys but then watch them night after night stuck in this inexcusably feeble organization. I’ve been toying with swearing them off until at least the All Star break, maybe catch-up on some reading or something (but probably won’t).

  • […] galaxy of stars had dimmed through the seven-game losing streak. One of them was Wilmer Font, just last Tuesday (which in Met time feels like months ago). Somewhat surprisingly, Wilmer Font was our non-Diaz […]