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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Let'sing and the Going

If following the beginnings of more than one transition at a time is too overwhelming to contemplate, a quick note to keep you updated: Steve Cohen now owns the New York Mets, lock, stock and Brad Brach. The deal we anticipated for a nearly a year and celebrated for a week — and the addition by subtraction we craved for at least a decade — closed on Friday afternoon. Or as the deWilponizer himself put it in a not so lawyerly statement, “This is a significant milestone in the history of this storied franchise. I want to thank everybody who helped make this happen. The 2021 season is right around the corner and we’ve got a lot of work to do, so I’m excited to get started. Let’s go Mets!”

Amens all around, especially that last sentence.

Also leaving the premises via the front office exit: Brodie Van Wagenen; Omar Minaya; Allard Baird; Adam Guttridge; and Jarred Banner. Brodie and Omar, you know well. Or knew well. Team president Sandy Alderson (never count out all the familiar figures in our Met lives) announced their departure, and has, per a press release, “begun the process of building a new Baseball leadership group.” The caps on Baseball is theirs. We’ll amen that emphasis, too.

5 comments to The Let’sing and the Going

  • Daniel Hall

    “Also leaving the premises via the front office exit: Brodie Van Wagenen;”

    (gentle introduction on the piano)

    DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD, which old which, the wicked witch …!!

    (cackles with glee)

    Does he have to pay for Old Man Cano from here on out? No? How about a hundo for a fine whenever Boom-Boom Diaz lets one slip that counts for three?

  • Bob

    Great day for our Mets!

    Hey, Brodie–don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

    Let’s Go Mets –in 2021

  • Joeybaguhdonuts

    Thanks for the summary here of the Cohen moves. I’ve been distracted since Tuesday. In this fan’s notes, I don’t like how Sandy’s teams play the game- there’s a reason why he has one championship in 28 seasons calling the shots for three teams. (Same success rate as the Mets!) Brodie, come on, only in an era when conflicts of interest are of no interest does he run a team. Omar, he’s more complex to me. He fielded very strong teams that could have gone all the way but didn’t and that’s on the players. I always remember Ron Darling when discussing executives, moves and statistics: that’s why they play the games. Hey now, question: how is a quant like Cohen going to handle the beautiful black swan of human performance?

  • Dave

    Sure, we’ve had everyone from Tim Foli to Ruben Tejada to Alex Trevino to Jason Vargas to Todd Frazier of Toms River, New Jersey, but now we’ve got a rare non-uniformed recidivist Met. That’s a pretty short list.

  • open the gates

    Only Jeff Wilpon could have thought that hiring an active player agent to be a general manager would be a good idea. Uh, Jeff, there’s a reason no one else did this before. Has it ever occurred to you…

    … and I just remembered that I no longer have any reason to have open ended convos with Jeff. Life is good.