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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Met-Killer on the Loose

“Could you describe the assailant, please?”
“I don’t know. He was a Marlin.”
“A Marlin? Like the fish?”
“No, the baseball team.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not following.”
“Marlins. Miami Marlins.”
“I’m not familiar with them.”
“Scroll down the National League East standings.”
“Hmm…oh, there. You’re right. Marlins. Sorry, I never heard of them.”
“Most people haven’t.”

“OK, so the assailant was a Marlin?”
“I already said that.”
“I need you to be more specific. There seem to be 26 Marlins. Was it this Marlin?”
“No, that’s Miguel Rojas.”
“This one?”
“No, that’s Jazz Chisolm.”
“Cool name. Well, what about this one?”
“Sandy Alcantra? He helped, but he’s not the one who did the real damage.”
“Wait, we just got this sketch into the station house. Is this who came after you?”
“That’s him! That’s…I can’t remember his name. I’d never heard it before today.”
“It looks like Jar Jar something.”

“Yes! That’s it! You should arrest him before he does any more damage!”
“Sir, we’re just here to collect information. Can you please describe what this Jerar Encarnacion allegedly did on Sunday?”
“First off, he was armed and extremely dangerous.”
“We’ll make that determination.”
“I’m telling you, he had a rifle.”
“In this country, that’s not always a crime.”
“He had a rifle for an arm.”
“Well, you know how strong the NRA is when it comes to lobbying.”
“There was a ball in the right field corner, a sure double, yet the next thing you now, this Jerar Encarnacion threw it to second base. Cut down Nido in his prime.”

“It’s always the backup catchers who take it the shinguards. What a shame.”
“I thought it was just one of those things, you know, kids messing around. This time of year, you hear firecrackers going off. But I’m telling you, it was an absolute cannon he fired.”
“All right, so he threw Tomás Nido out trying to stretch a single into a double. That’s not exactly a crime. No offense, but catchers aren’t known for their speed.”
“I wouldn’t be here if it was just that. It’s what he did a few innings later.”
“The incident in the seventh?”
“Yeah, that’s it.”

“As calmly as you can, tell me what happened.”
“We’re enjoying a beautiful afternoon in the right field stands, Chris Bassitt is going along swimmingly.”
“Bassitt — like a Marlin?”
“I said Bassitt, not Bass.”
“Sorry, I don’t follow baseball all that much.”
“So we’re sitting there, and it’s Bassitt having a great game, as good as Alcantra…”
“The aider and abetter of this Jerar character?”
“Yeah. Chris is rolling. Then he gets into a little trouble. A single. Another single. Then a walk. Ya gotta understand, Bassitt doesn’t normally walk guys.”
“Oh those bases on balls. We try to warn the public walks are a gateway drug to runs, but do they listen?”
“Next thing we know, it’s goodbye Bassitt, hello Lugo.”

“Lugo — name rings a bell.”
“Sure. Seth Lugo. Dependable relief pitcher most games. But here comes this Jerar Encarnacion, and all at once, it’s the end of Seth Lugo.”
“It’s always the reliever who gets it in the late innings.”
“Ya gotta understand. Seth has his bad days, sure, but he’s a good pitcher. This wouldn’t have happened if not for…”
“If not for…?”
“Jerar Encarnacion.”

“That’s a pretty substantial charge.”
“Jerar Encarnacion opened a can of whoopass on Seth Lugo.”
“Did he open it with the arm that’s a rifle?”
“Maybe it was more like a whuppin’ stick. He used it to…”
“To what?”
“He used it to…”
“I can’t help you unless you tell me.”
“Jerar Encarnacion hit a grand slam off Seth Lugo.”

“Oh, dear god.”
“It was brutal.”
“I imagine so.”
“The worst part is none of us saw this coming. We didn’t know who Jerar Encarnacion was when the game began. It just didn’t make any sense. It was like those dark gray and blue caps they made both teams wear.”
“Sir, that’s more a matter for the fashion police.”
“I’m not talking about the caps! I’m talking about a Met-killer! Jerar Encarnacion is out there committing one horrible act after another! It wasn’t enough that he gunned down Tomás Nido or absolutely murdered a Seth Lugo sinker. He even had the audacity after all that to steal a base.”
“So you wish to add robbery to the charges?”
“In broad daylight, no less!”

“Listen, I’ve got the name, I’ve got your description, I understand your concern.”
“Well, is there anything you can do about it? It’s a terrible feeling knowing Jerar Encarnacion is just out there and can do something like this to the Mets with absolutely no notice and he could be out there again tomorrow afternoon.”
“There’s a matinee. The Marlins and the Mets. The Marlins are bad enough. But now they have another Met-killer to go with De La Cruz and Berti and god knows who.”
“Hold up — there’s another game tomorrow?”
“There’s always another game tomorrow.”
“And you’re concerned the Mets are in mortal danger?”
“Actually, they’re in first place by a bunch of games despite losing on Sunday and they’re way ahead of the Marlins, who are almost never any good.”
“Then what are you worried about?”
“You really don’t follow baseball, do you?”

10 comments to Met-Killer on the Loose

  • This is just a brilliant piece of creative non-fiction. I applaud you for being able to write this brilliant piece in such a short time frame and post it.

    Three cheers and a Tigger for you.

  • Ken K. in NJ

    This was the first time I strongly disagreed with a Showalter move. Bassitt was pushing 100 pitches after 108 the last time out. I was surprised Showalter even let him start the 7th, let alone let 3 guys get on base.

  • eric1973

    We have all become conditioned to believe that anything over 5 innings and the pitchers arms are going to fall off.

    In the TC days, I would say to keep him out there, but these guys are not brought up that way. So you are probably right, because they just cannot do it anymore.

    Buck is trying because he knows it is the right thing to do, but, sadly, it is too late.

    The real culprit here is Lugo, who is just not that good anymore. He didn’t throw 100 pitches yesterday, and look what happened.

  • Greg Mitchell

    Sadly, maybe the Plummer experiment is drawing to an end, though still like him. Vientos tearing it up for past month, though I haven’t seen Lee in box score at Syracuse (would be classic Mets injury if he pulled a muscle packing). Dom down to .260 even at AAA.

    They need to deal for a quality reliever ASAP….Lugo is NOT “usually dependable” but 50/50 (see his era). Smith is only guy they can count on not named Diaz. They have NO real major league lefty in the pen, since Shreve is mediocre at best and Rodriquez is a joke (yesterday yet another example). We traded for the latter to get a lefty even though in career he has never gotten lefties out. Now Eppler afraid to admit we gave away Castro. I was relieved when Holderman and Nogosek (and sometimes Medina) were doing so well but that period has past. Tommy Hunter, a Mets Nation turns in homely eyes to you….

  • Eric

    I’m okay with giving veteran Bassitt a chance at the seventh and even giving him enough rope to hang his team. We found out from the bases-loading walk that Bassitt isn’t a deGrom-like bulldog. File away that info for a late-season pennant race or playoff game.

    Tough spot for Lugo. 1 run from a sac fly would have been job done. 2 runs from a hit would have been frustrating but reasonable. Giving up a grand slam says the Mets need a fireman besides closer Diaz.

    I’m surprised Showalter pinch hit for Guillorme in the 9th when getting another man on base was still the priority.

    Frustrating loss because the Mets were checking the boxes for beating an opposing ace at the top of his game before Bassitt and Lugo gave it up the next half inning after Mets took the lead.

  • open the gates

    Gotta believe young Jerar got into more than one middle-school fight after being called Jar Jar. I will say, it takes more than one good day to make someone a bona fide Met killer. Yadier Molina ain’t looking over his shoulder, is all I’m saying.

  • Seth

    When Bassitt came back out for the 7th, I assumed he’s a veteran enough pitcher that he felt he had enough in the tank for one more inning. Can’t really blame Buck… Seth Lugo gets all the blame for this loss. And Alcantara, Schmalcantara — a little more hitting would have been nice, for sure.

  • Dave

    Encarnacion looks like one of the next extraordinarily talented players the Marlins will trade before he costs more than $1-2M a year in exchange for a prospect who we’ll be able to describe exactly the same way. Only question is what team not called the Marlins (or the Mets, because those players never wind up here) he’ll be playing for in his prime.

  • Eric

    Something to consider about Showalter’s bullpen usage: Bullpens are being reduced today, so maybe he’s been trying to get his starting pitchers in the mindset of going the extra out and inning.

    It was not so long ago 105 pitches were the point at which we started worrying about a pitcher tiring, not the day’s limit.