The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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It’s Always Something

To borrow an opening line from an impeccable source, it was twenty years ago today that Faith and Fear in Flushing began to play. With a little help from our friends who’ve read us, contacted us and been an essential part of us, we’ve kept playing. Just like the Mets. Just like some other players.

It […]

Honorably Discharged

Today marks the nineteenth anniversary of Faith and Fear in Flushing, founded February 16, 2005. For the now twenty Spring Trainings that this blog has existed, we have set out annually in the sincere hope that the Met season ahead serves as prelude to a Met postseason. That’s really all you can ask of a […]

The 50th Anniversary Game

Last week, Major League Baseball released its schedule for next year and I shrugged. It was the epitome of too soon. But last year, when this year’s came out, I figuratively unfolded it and zeroed in on one particular box in quest of pertinent information:

Would the Mets be home on July 11, 2023?

They would not. […]

Reporting At Last

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. (FAF) — The mind of veteran blogger Greg Prince reported to New York Mets camp Monday to prepare for its nineteenth season of observation, reflection and regular blogging output. It showed up just in time to meet the deadline for position players to check in at the East Coast complex that […]

No. 25, No. 26, No. 27...

On July 22, 1995, the no-name, no-hope New York Mets were hot, having emerged from the All-Star break winning seven of nine. On the soundstage where they shot Star Trek: Voyager, Jeri Ryan presumably looked up, thinking her character was written into a new scene as SportsCenter blared in the background.

Seven of nine! The Mets […]

February Makes Us Shiver

This is a nominally festive occasion. Faith and Fear in Flushing turns 17 today. The team we cover recognized this milestone by announcing they will retire No. 17 this season and reinstate Old Timers Day so the authors of this blog will feel right at home.

All that the Mets and their MLB franchise brethren need […]

Launched from the Middle to You

Today is the sixteenth anniversary of the founding of Faith and Fear in Flushing, which puts our start date at February 16, 2005, which isn’t exactly news. It was news to Jason and me sixteen years ago today, but the outer world of Mets fans who liked to read wouldn’t instantaneously discover us. That took […]

Last Played at Shea

Late spring is the time to see Gil Hodges work. Not summer. Then heat sits on the cylinder of Shea Stadium and a baseball season, like New York summer, grinds down strong men.
—Roger Kahn, The Boys of Summer

Citi Field is entering its twelfth season. Children no longer eligible for whatever discounts being under twelve gets […]

Doctor, My Eyes

I blinked. And I blinked again. Maybe I rubbed my eyes. I don’t remember. Whatever I did, it left me seeing a trail of optical detritus. It was just what wasn’t there but briefly appeared to be. I was six, a first-grader. I had no idea how eyesight worked, just that it worked. But I […]

Jim Gosger Lives

When I first started identifying as a Mets fan, fifty years ago late this summer, you couldn’t have convinced me the Mets could do wrong. There was no evidence to support the assertion. The Mets mostly won. The rare defeat, such as that experienced by the Mets in Baltimore to open the World Series, was […]