The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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They Finally Had It Made

The night started with 42s everywhere and ended with a 7 in your scorebook. I couldn’t miss the former on Jackie Robinson Day, but had to look up the latter, as sensory overload must have gotten to me, sending this correspondent nodding off to dreamland as the bottom of the eighth commenced. The last thing […]

You Can Sometimes Get What You Want

I put in a request for a sitdown with the baseball gods prior to the start of Sunday’s 1:10 game versus the Phillies. I had what I believed were a few reasonable requests.

I asked if I could go the game.
The baseball gods said sure.

I asked for really good seats at a decent price.
The baseball gods […]

Time Is On Our Side

The Mets no longer require extra innings. They make the regulation amount go on forever. In their first two games coming out of the All-Star break — one a hopeless blowout loss, the other a relatively mundane win — they donated more than seven hours to the baseball-starved denizens of Queens inside a span of […]

They Ran Our Swill Pen Through It

When the Mets receive a really good start, as they did on Tuesday night, or plate a whole lot of runs, as they did on Tuesday night — or if they do both (Tuesday night again) — then they’re pretty damn unbeatable. I guess you could say that for any club in receipt of those […]

Ten Silver Linings

Contrary to what you may glean from accounts of tonight’s game, some good things did happen in Philadelphia:

1. Ruben Tejada went two for three and crashed into the tarp to make a terrific running catch. Yes, this is the same Ruben Tejada who deserved half of an ugly error yesterday against the Brewers. I think […]

Live Long & Maybe Eventually Prosper

Before heading out in short order to the Mets’ holiday party where I will eat their sweetmeats and drink their wine — part of the organization’s alleged co-opting of my judgment and objectivity — I need to digest this Cliff Lee news.

Oh, that did not go down easy.

Whenever it was that the Nationals laid a […]

Lee Revokes Pettitte's Hall Pass

Tough break for Andy Pettitte, who pitched a fine game Monday night. Cliff Lee pitched a monster game. Monster wins. Still, nice outing for Pettitte, a very good pitcher who’s acquitted himself well in many postseason games since coming to the big leagues fifteen years ago.

But now he might not make the Hall of Fame. […]