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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Math Is Hard

6,934 games, which includes eight ties, through July 26; 11 games since then for 6,945; 54 postseason games (in which we're 37-27) for 6,999.

All good, except for one thing: What's 37 + 27?

If you said “54,” you too can write follow-up posts explaining why people should have taken your warning seriously that everything you wrote's probably wrong, since you did math. Goddamn it.

If you said “64,” then you not only can do simple addition (which must be nice), but already grasped that last night was not Game No. 7,000, but Game No. 7,010. So as my nocturnal, arithmetically competent co-blogger pointed out, we lost Game No. 7,000 to the Astros, 3-2, on July 28th. But if you throw out the ties, we won the 7,000th game played to a decision, 2-0 vs. the Cubs on Saturday. Unless the mere proximity of Jace Math has rotted those calculations too, which is perfectly possible.

My only comfort is that yesterday my performance as statistician would've fit right in with the rest of the orange and blue. Metlagged again. This is getting old.

5 comments to Math Is Hard

  • Anonymous

    Jace, speaking as someone notoriously mathematically challenged, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt… the math doesn't matter. 37 + 27 = we suck. Over $100 million = we suck. Any equation you can think of = we suck.
    I love us. I'll love us 'til I die. Bury me in orange and blue. I'll defend us like the stubborn mule I am, and no matter what suicidal depths of horrific suckitude we may plumb, I will never, ever boo us. But that will not change the glaringly obvious fact that we suck. We have no legitimate excuse to suck, but we do, indeed, suck.
    Love ain't that blind.

  • Anonymous

    Well, this made for a really good laugh, anyway. Good job on the warning. You know your limitations.
    Anyway, by my own (very limited in their own way) calculations, the Mets won't play their 7,000th regular season game until Game 4 of next season. And, by then, you guys will be on a totally different site with different names and pictures and no link to this terrible arithmetic fiasco.

  • Anonymous

    Who told you about the Blogger Protection Program?

  • Anonymous

    Ah yes, next year. That's 2007, right? And if we're .500 we'll be 86-86.
    God I hate myself.

  • Anonymous

    Don't be so hard on yourself, Jace. If the position of Shea scoreboard operator becomes available, you're a shoo-in. Questionable math skills are crucial to the job, but the inability to tell David Wright from Mike Cameron would really make you stand out in the pool of applicants. Work on it.