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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Nice and Boring

Yes, I finally agree with all the naysayers and killjoys. The Subway Series is boring. Take today's ho-hummer for example.

Just another 8-3 win over some run-of-the-mill opponent from wherever.

Just another well-supported Steve Trachsel victory, his fifth in a row. He says he's fine despite the talk about his groin; I'd prefer not to talk about his groin at all.

Just another angst-free Billy Wagner 1-2-3 ninth. He says he's fine no matter what his ankle looked like at the end (and you can always trust a pitcher to tell the truth about his anatomy).

Just another cacophony of clutchy clouts from the Castros, Lo Ducas and Marreros, the heart of our clever tri-catcher attack.

Just another day of All-Star play from our, at last check, All-Star left side of the infield.

Just another cleanerstaking of Randy Johnson. More starch for his collar, please.

Just another afternoon of heads-up baseball, replacing this week's unfortunate heads-up-their-asses version of the sport. Of course it helps to face more Melky and much less Coco.

Just another triumph over the Yankees, our ninth in the last fourteen contests against them, clinching, for a third straight year, nothing worse than a tie in the six-game Subway set.

But who cares about such a detail? No, nothing interesting about beating the Yankees, nothing at all. Just business as usual.

Good business to be in, though.

2 comments to Nice and Boring

  • Anonymous

    reposting from tail end of previous entry (which is probably bad blogging form on my part):
    it's been a bad few days, no getting around it. not only getting swept in boston, not only the four-game losing streak, but, amid all their own bellyaching about their difficult season, the skanks — the SKANKS — get it together to bury the mets' bats even further.
    that's why it was so good to see the randy johnson exit on this road trip.
    he may be good for a lot of other things, but it seems like he's always been just the tonic for a mets batting slump. both as a dback, and now as a skank, he throws dead fastballs, and the mets, bless them, are dead fastball hitters. with the entire lineup looking like joe mcewing at the plate, here comes unit to serve em hot and tasty, letting everyone have a taste of superjoe revival pie.
    not happy to see that trachsel and even wagner might be hurting as a result of fielding plays. but this win was essential. thanks randy, ya done good.

  • Anonymous

    Not only has Randy been just what the doctor ordered for the Mets' bats, I love that he's a triple threat Yankee killer.
    Killed 'em in '95 as a Mariner.
    Killed 'em oh-so-gloriously in '01 as a Diamondback.
    Killin 'em still in '06 as a Yankee.
    There's something almost Messianic in that, I swear.