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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Because There's Never Enough David Wright

Nice Q&A with David Wright from Player Magazine.
There was also a profile of New York's best-selling player in New York last week.
And though I know nothing about video games, I'm gratified he's on the cover of MLB 07.
You probably heard he's on display at Madame Tussauds.
Coming up:
• The David Wright nickel replaces the one with Thomas Jefferson. “David is No. 5 and the nickel is five cents,” a U.S. Treasury Dept. spokesman says. “What did Jefferson ever do anyway?”
• The David Wright stamp will be issued by the postal service when its first-class rates rise in May. “David is first-class,” according to the nation's postmaster general, adding the third baseman is a “better and more contemporary representative of the American way” than stamps bearing flags or eagles.
• All religious materials have been replaced by the Wright Scriptures. “It seemed like a a no-brainer,” admits God. “But I did ask David for Guidance and He said it was OK with Him.”

9 comments to Because There's Never Enough David Wright

  • Anonymous

    All religious materials have been replaced by the Wright Scriptures. “It seemed like a a no-brainer,” admits God. “But I did ask David for Guidance and He said it was OK with Him.”

    Well, what else would you expect from the Met-ssiah?

  • Anonymous

    • The David Wright nickel replaces the one with Thomas Jefferson. “David is No. 5 and the nickel is five cents,” a U.S. Treasury Dept. spokesman says. “What did Jefferson ever do anyway?”
    and david is a better representative of Virginia, having grown up in the metscentric city of norfolk. jefferson, it's said, didn't even play baseball. a pity. i'm pretty sure he'd have been a heavy hitter.

  • Anonymous

    Hi Greg,
    …. not to mention that David also replaces that shortstop across the East River as the heart throb for all of New York City's young female population!

  • Anonymous

    Bordering on the sacreligious a little, aren't ya? If I ever sit next to you at a Mets game, it won't be on a stormy day. I hate the feel of lightning bolts.
    Seriously, though, if ever a manly man had a man crush on another manly man, David Wright would be the man. And I vote for him on the five dollar bill, not just the nickel. At least you can almost buy a hot dog at Shea for five bucks.

  • Anonymous

    It's known as a Non-Sexual Man Crush. So now you know what to call him… he's your NSMC. Awwwww…

  • Anonymous

    All this David Wright overexposure (plus his seeming inabiliity to reach base before the 8th inning or the seats at all anymore) has crushed my Man Crush (which at one time was so strong as to be a NNSMC (that's right, a Non-Non-Sexual Man Crush).
    My Man Love is all about the wonderfully underexposed Jose Reyes these days.

  • Anonymous

    Doesn't reaching base in the 8th inning also mean he comes through when the game is on the line?
    Also, didn't he reach the stands yesterday catching that foul pop?

  • Anonymous

    AAAAGH! No mentioning David Wright on stamps! Not even in jest! Only DEAD PEOPLE get to be on stamps! Bad juju! Make it go away!
    Ahem…sorry, I'm just a little overprotective of whatever good fortune the Mets can scrape together. And sometimes it seems as though The David was sent to us by an understanding universe indeed, to make us forget years and years of Bad Bad Stuff.

  • Anonymous

    I wish I saw “hit a home run” on that list.