The blog for Mets fans
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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Now Let Us Never Speak Of It Again


What game?

I saw no game.

There was no game.

You thought you saw a game?


You saw no game.

There was no game.

10 comments to Now Let Us Never Speak Of It Again

  • Anonymous

    On to DC with our best road record in the NL. There I will settle for two out of three…

  • Anonymous

    I won't!
    Before the trip started, I declared that the Mets'd win 5-out-of-6 and I'm stickin' by it, goddammit!

  • Anonymous

    Pretty much looked like a new low for the season to me….

  • Anonymous

    We're never speaking of it again, but in the abstract, if a manager was to discover his projected rightfielder had the flu, why wouldn't he insert the guy who usually plays right in right and take the guy he was subbing in right and put him at first since that guy had played plenty of first for him two years earlier?
    This is all hypothetical since there was no game last night, but Green in right and Anderson at first would have made a heckuva lot more sense than the other way around (though the ball would have found both of them at either position last night…had there been a game…which there wasn't).

  • Anonymous

    And there was me, actually getting all excited for the first time in ages, shouting and doing the victory dance when Beltran's bomb hit the bat and you just knew.
    But then a ground ball headed for David Wright, and as soon as he picked it up, you just knew…
    I'm with Greg. The whole thing never happened.

  • Anonymous

    Although there was no game last night, I found myself for a moment thinking that if there had been a third game of that series and the Mets had taken two of three and the Mets just keep taking two out of three, that wouldn't be so bad if you didn't know anything else about it.
    But of course there was no game.

  • Anonymous

    what game?

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Well, obviously the game was rained out. I knew it when my flight home was being delayed. There's no possible reason an airline would let its flight be delayed other than weather too dreadful for either landings or baseball games, right?

  • Anonymous

    Judge: By authority of the City of Springfield, I hereby confer upon you the name of Seymour Skinner, as well as his past, present, future, and mother.
    Skinner: OK.
    Judge: And I further decree that everything will be just like it was before all this happened! And no one will ever mention it again… under penalty of torture.
    (The townspeople cheer.)
    Sounds like a plan to me.