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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Cat Days of August

Hozzie and Avery, the best modern-day double play combination this side of Jose Reyes and Luis Castillo, urge the Mets to fully concentrate over the final 41 games of the 2007 season. They suggest treating each game like a tiny bug and never taking their focus off it. Not that we ever get bugs, mind you.

9 comments to The Cat Days of August

  • Anonymous

    Beyond gorgeous……what else can I say?…

  • Anonymous

    That's all they wanted to hear.
    H&A are having a very good summer. Avery's calmed down a bit from his rambunctious kittenhood and Hozzie, after a rough two years of first losing his big brother then adjusting to life with his overwhelming little one, has begun to relax. That may sound odd when you consider cats sleep two-thirds of their time away, but he was pretty tense from the middle of '05 to the middle of '07. A relaxed Hozzie is a happy Hozzie.
    Probably has something to do with the five-game lead.

  • Anonymous

    Almost everything positive can be traced back to a five game lead….

  • Anonymous

    I looooove your kits! My two – Napoleon Dynamite and Cassiopeia (or “Cassie”) – are the unofficial mascots of my blog :-)

  • Anonymous

    Thanks! I love yours, too.
    (Cat appreciation and baseball go hand in hand.)

  • Anonymous

    It certainly is in our house…

  • Anonymous

    They are beautiful, Greg, and can see why they are the loves of your life, but I don't think it would be wise to introduce Hozzie and Avery to our cockatiels – Crackers and Boo-Boo. While they also are Met fans, it's like inviting Sylvester to meet Tweety (and we know how that always ends).

  • Anonymous

    Hozzie and Avery wouldn't mean any harm, but I can't speak to their instincts. Still, I imagine your inanimate objects would be in more peril than your birdies.

  • Anonymous

    I agree with you, Greg.
    After Crackers and Boo-Boo would say “We thought we saw two puddy-cats; we did, we did saw two puddy-cats!” there would go the apartment…. unless we brought them over to your place!