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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Armando Benitez Continues to Steal Money

How does Armando Benitez continue to stay employed as a relief pitcher?

It may not matter in the long term as in the race at hand. It may not even matter in the short term for tonight. But how does a manager, in this case Fredi Gonzalez, use Armando Benitez in any kind of competitive baseball situation?

I turn on the Braves and Marlins. Florida's up 3-1 in the eighth. Great, I think. Armando's pitching. Uh-oh. One on. Oh dear. Chipper Larry is at bat. No…


Let's forget the Braves being six games behind the Mets and that the Mets were beating the Phillies and all extraneous matters of self-interest. I just wanna know why, why, WHY Gonzalez would allow a matchup between Benitez and someone who is so FUCKING OBVIOUSLY going to kick his ass?

We could have had this discussion in 2001 (and I would have found a way to have propped up Benitez because I was never one of his dedicated antagonists). But in 2007? When, if I may use exaggeration to make a point, HE ALWAYS FUCKING DOES THIS?

Don't the Marlins get the same scouting reports as everyone else?

ADDENDUM: I'm not too fond of Aaron Rowand either.

6 comments to Armando Benitez Continues to Steal Money

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    If you think they are bad now, wait until they play Atlanta. That is where they really choke.
    Final Standings

  • Anonymous

    Hmmm…Phillies win, Braves lose, Braves to storm past Phillies and Mets from six back.
    Interesting theory.

  • Anonymous

    I'm just disappointed Steve Phillips chooses to hide behind “anonymous.”

  • Anonymous

    Steve's never been one to draw undue attention to himself.

  • Anonymous

    “But how does a manager, in this case Fredi Gonzalez, use Armando Benitez in any kind of competitive baseball situation? ”
    That's easy. MLB must have passed a directive requiring each club to retain at least ONE Armando-type reliever which the manager must use in key situations.
    Why else would Omar have signed Mota to a three-year contract and Willie use him so often?
    The Phils have peaked and Atlanta is not to strong enough — after all, HOW MANY Armandos do the Phillies have? And Atlanta designated their top reliever for re-assignement in order to comply with that MLB requirement. Mets still the class of the league.