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Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.
Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.
Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.
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Ten Runs, One Inning, A Million Memories
by Greg Prince on 12 December 2007 5:42 pm
For everybody who complains that SNY never shows the obvious Mets Classics (and that would include everybody), tune in tonight at 7 for a replay of the Ten-Run Inning game of June 30, 2000, the signature contest of our last pennant season. Forget that the Snighsite refers to it as the “10 inning comeback” and that the digital readout on Cablevision says it took place on June 20 seven years ago. There's no mistaking which game this was.
What was it like to sit out in right field for it? Click here.
Where does the mightiest blow of the evening rank in the Piazza pantheon? Click here.
And just how iconic is that swing? Click here.
Mets down 8-1 to Atlanta going to the bottom of the eighth…what happens next?
Greatest Mets news I've heard in months. Seriously.
Only way to make the re-airing better? Use the radio feed with Gary and Murph. That call of Piazza's home run was Gary's greatest call as a Met announcer, and that's saying something. Unfortunately, the only clip I have is grainy and 23 seconds long, and I recall Gary going on for 15-20 seconds longer, saying every single thing that needed to be said at that moment, and with the right cadence and tone. If anyone has a better or longer clip, by all means step forward.
Here's the one I have.
SOTG, email us. I can hook you up.
As hard as it is to believe, I actually was not at that game. And I don't even remember why. Greg, why wasn't I there?! I missed a mere handful of games between 1996 and 2001, surely there was a good reason for missing a Mets-Braves game in 2000? Was I on my deathbed or something? I did watch it, but I can't imagine why it was from home and not from… my usual perch.
PS: Time Warner also has it as June 20th, which means–surprise, surprise–SNY proves its criminal lack of Mets knowledge yet again by providing the wrong information to the cable companies. Will they ever hire people whose experience of this team goes back further than the inception of the network?!
Oddly enough, I have no recollection of what you were up to that night. So much for my being your go-to source for information on you ;)
We lost to the Phillies on June 20, 2000. No need to rebroadcast it.
Crap. You know all the wrong stuff about me. And I'll deny it all.
OK, now it's all coming back. Cold. Fireworks Night. John Rocker, and all that hostility… and a quick visit to Ultimate Mets reveals that the night before, Reeder had pitched, so I was there. And the next day, Greg Maddux pitched, so I was going to be there. So cold, Fireworks Night (which I normally either avoid like the plague or flee as early as possible) and John Rocker hostility (which I also avoid like the plague: See “Subway Series games”) were definitely expendable.
Thanks for the heads up Greg. I never get tired of watching games like that :)
Damn, I miss those guys….
That was me. I was logged out and I didn't realize it :(
I was saying to Greg last night that I felt like dragging them all out of retirement or from wherever they're playing and put them back on the field for one last season at Shea (I'd prefer the '99 group, and I never want to see Armando in our uni again, but still…)
In my head, Reeder can still pitch and Robin and Fonzie can still hit and Mike is still Mike and don't try to tell me any different.
Those really were the days. And not because of the winning, either.
Damn. I was at that game (I didnt have seasons yet) with my wife, siting in loge reserved down 3rd base line, whining and screaming like all the other Met fans around me when my wife (who root for the dark side..but roots for the Mets too…dont ask) STANDS UP and yells “what's with you Met fans..theey're gonna come back and win”. After Piazza hit the homer, everyone was giving her high fives (she wasnt wearing any Yankee paraphernalia)