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Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Pelf Finally Listening to Me

ST. LOUIS (FAFIF) — Mike Pelfrey credited the latest in a string of strong performances Thursday night to the guidance he's received from an individual Mets fan.

“Greg's been on my ass all year,” Pelfrey revealed. “He's been pushing me to pitch better for quite a while. It finally started to sink in. I should just pitch better and maybe he'll get off my ass.”

And pitch better Pelfrey has, winning his last four decisions and lowering his ERA by more than a run since Greg saw him on Memorial Day night.

“Yeah, Greg wasn't too happy with me then, all that nibbling I tended to do,” Pelfrey said. “He let me have it but good. I thought he was being a little hard on me earlier in the season when I pitched pretty well. I was like, 'hey, I threw five or six innings, I didn't walk too many, isn't that good enough?' Greg said it wasn't, and he was right.”

The toughlove approach seems to have truly worked on Pelfrey, now pitching the best sustained baseball of his Major League career. Against the Cardinals, he put up seven innings of one-run ball, allowing six hits and two walks while striking out six.

“When I have a lead like I was able to get tonight,” Pelfrey said, referring to the Mets' offensive onslaught, “Greg said I should just relax and throw strikes. As usual he made more sense than all my pitching coaches combined.”

It's been an up-and-down season for Pelfrey who ended Spring Training as the Mets' No. 5 starter by default and showed flashes of progress in April but was held back in May by an inconsistent approach.

“Trust my stuff, Greg said,” Pelfrey recalled. “He was getting tired of the uncertainty that just dripped from my face. I'm a big guy, I throw hard, just go for it…that was his message. Message received, Greg. Message received.”

“Pelf's got all the ability in the world,” David Wright said. “All that was missing was listening to Greg. I know it did me all the good in the world when he told me to lighten up a little and not fight Jerry on taking a day off.” Noting the possible tweak to his back during the final game of the Mets' just-completed four-game split at Busch Stadium, Wright added, “I wanted to stay in, but Greg thought with a big lead I should just get the hell out of there and sit the hell down — his words. With the wonders he's worked with Pelf, you think I'm not gonna listen to Greg?”

Next up on the Mets' schedule is a critical four-game set in Philadelphia against the first-place Phillies. Greg is advising the Mets keep their heads on straight and start winning a few games in a row. “Greg's got a point there,” said shortstop Jose Reyes. “If we start listening to Greg, no telling how far we can go this year.”

7 comments to Pelf Finally Listening to Me

  • Anonymous

    Happy Birthday to all you American folks from a non-American in Japan!
    Thanks for inventing baseball and the New York Mets! Or should Greg
    get the retrospective credit for that too?

  • Anonymous

    Thank you Greg.
    Now get working on Ollie Perez – tell him he has to start leaving Bad Ollie at home!

  • Anonymous

    I knew you'd have the answer for it all, Greg.
    Happy 4th and here's to Mets getting hot as hell in Philadel…phia. Someone oughta open up a window…

  • Anonymous

    Haha! Inspired!
    And happy Fourth, all. How appropriate that we are Philadelphia bound.

  • Anonymous

    They had an outdoor showing of 1776 at a park near my house the other day (J.J. Byrne park, by the Old Stone House for those of you up on your local revolutionary war history/lore), but I missed it to watch the Mets eventually lose in walk off fashion.
    Come what may, come what may, commitment! I suppose.

  • Anonymous

    the lads were two bad pitches away from taking 3 of 4 from the cards on the road. they go into philly with their supposed ace against a minor leaguer — this qualifies as a must-win, johan — and they don't see hamel this time through. is it unreasonable to think the mets can take 3 of 4 from the phils?
    they're still slipping and sliding, but they're just a few hairs shy of getting some traction. and then i like their chances. yes, i really do. giants and the rockies don't have better rotations than the mets. things can change pretty quickly in the nl east, even before the allstar break.

  • Anonymous

    I am hoping these powers are not personal unto you.
    For I have just invoked them myself, in hopes of averting another disaster as I have seen under these circumstances in the past.
    Assuming I am not let down, I will be sure to check in with you and yours before leaving Tuesday. Dennis has the tickets and will be there in any event, unless he's cutting his own devilish deals.