The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Where's Nolan Ryan Now That We Could Actually Use Him?

Just to catch you up on New York Mets pitcher depletion matters:

• Johan Santana, out for the season as you might have suspected once he was scratched from tonight's start. He's going in for “minor” arthroscopic elbow surgery to remove bone chips. I know…shudder, but they fixed his knee OK, proving perhaps that every Met who goes out with an injury maybe someday comes back. Nick Evans takes his place on the roster, thereby quelling all those urgent “Where's Nick Evans?” inquiries that show just how far we have fallen as a people.

• Billy Wagner, traded to Boston for two demi-prospects to be named. He waived his right to refuse shipment, saving the Mets some money in the short term and perhaps helping the Red Sox in the fight for the Greater Good this fall. Mostly Billy Wagner will help Billy Wagner look for another contract/closer role next year. I tend to agree with a friend who calls Wagner “Armando Benitez with more self-esteem,” but good luck to him anyway given his hard work getting back to the majors and 101 saves in a Mets uniform (fourth-most behind Franco, Benitez and Orosco). The occasional self-serving outbursts and ninth-inning blowups don't completely negate the stability he gave the post-Looper bullpen — and he's the reason there's even one Metallica song on my iPod. In any event, this grants the previously demoted Pat Misch a return trip from Buffalo. Other than Angel Pagan's two varieties of homer, Pat Misch's four scoreless innings were the best thing about Sunday's überdebacle. That also shows just how far we have fallen as a people.

• J.J. Putz, not pitching for the Cyclones tonight as scheduled, his return to the Mets pushed back just a little further. Somehow I doubt the Putzheads in Brooklyn were really expecting (or lining up) to see him. On the positive side, Cyclones Poker Chips Night is still on for Saturday, September 5. Better poker chips than elbow chips.

(Oh, and Ollie's knee is going to be examined. Wish they'd look at Omar's head while they're at it.)

7 comments to Where's Nolan Ryan Now That We Could Actually Use Him?

  • Anonymous

    The Mets need to take anybody with even the slightest hint of future value (K-Rod, Pelfrey, Parnell, Pagan, Murphy, et al.) and place them all on the DL for precautionary reasons. At this rate, somebody's likely to get killed.
    Oh, and get a restraining order prohibiting any member of the organization from coming within 500 feet of a taxicab…

  • Anonymous

    You're amusing when you're pithy. You might be amusing when you're writing your usual reams of words, but I wouldn't know, because I just can't wade through those.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for one of those.

  • Anonymous

    I think they should do a head count at the ballpark tomorrow.
    If there are fewer Marlins fans than the Mets have players on the DL, I think we should automatically win.

  • Anonymous

    Hey, look! Over there! It's a dog with a fluffy tail!

  • Anonymous

    He's right, Greg. As it is, the blog's subtitle leaves people hanging. “The blog for Mets fans who like to read?” About what, exactly?
    You and Jason should consider shortening these stories and distinguishing this blog with a gimmick. Like ending every (brief) game summary with a couple of sentences about Shane Victorino getting attacked by a swarm of angry bees.
    Then you guys could be “The Blog For Mets Fans Who Like To Read About Shane Victorino Getting Attacked By Bees.” That would make a lot more sense, and would be more enjoyable for the reader.