The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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That Sick, Familiar Feeling

You know why Tuesday night’s loss to the Marlins felt as familiar as it felt sickening? Because it was very familiar.

Thanks to Baseball Reference (how did I ever live without it?), I was able to find that the Mets have lost 68 road games to the Florida Marlins since their inception in 1993, including the […]

Out on Blunder Island

It may temporarily bear the Marlins’ name, but Hiram Bithorn Stadium reeks of Expos, Expos and more Expos. It’s 2003 and 2004 all over again all of a sudden and we suck in ways we haven’t sucked in years, last year included. I think I may have even seen Eric Valent at the bat rack […]

The Awesomeness of Ralph Kiner (Cont'd)

Two facts of life become apparent every summer in these parts:

1) New York is a humid place.

2) Ralph Kiner is an awesome man.

You know that incessantly run Heineken Light commercial, the one in which the young-ish guy explains how he and his pal Jamie won $94 million in the lottery and relocated to some slice […]

No Chance

I sincerely wish R.A. Dickey had continued his recent Rad ways against the Marlins in festive San Juan instead of throwing his first indisputably Icky start. Of course I do. Still, an infinitesimal bit of me is mildly relieved to discover R.A. Dickey is essentially like the rest of us.

Seriously, I was beginning to have […]

Best Infield Ever, the Home Version

Word is it was 99 in the shade at Citi Field Sunday, yet right here, it feels a bit like ’99 in the Shea: The Mets are hot on the Braves’ heels, Bobby Valentine is basking in the media’s glare and the Mets’ infield has been warming to its task with uncommon aplomb.

Highly uncommon, but […]

We Were Hot ... and the Mets Looked Pretty Good Too

If anyone hasn’t noticed, summer is here.

Oh boy, is it ever here.

Emily and I headed for Citi Field with our friends Erin and Marie on the first full day of our stay-home-and-work-vacation sans child (not to worry, he’s with grandparents having a fine time), and the blast furnace that was early-morning Brooklyn let us know […]

Mortal on the Mound

In Johan Santana’s last four starts, he has thrown 25.2 innings and allowed 17 earned runs. That’s an ERA of 5.96. So Is Johan Santana not pitching like himself, or is this the way Johan Santana pitches now?

When Johan is smacked around early and digs his team a hole as was the case Saturday afternoon, […]

We Interrupt This Met Victory Recap to Complain About No-Hitters

Well, we will do that, but not quite yet. (I think I just interrupted an interruption.) First, let’s go back to last night.

Bases loaded, one out in the sixth, Tigers up 6-5, David Wright at the plate, and I was sure the Mets were about to at least tie the game and likely take the […]

Welcoming Minnesota

"Say, I thought you people had a roof over your stadium."

Oh joy, another American League opponent to whom we’ve given zero collective thought until now and to whom we’ll give just as much come Monday. Which one is it this time? The North Stars? Whatever. The important thing is Ross Chapman headed to […]

Problems I Did Not Know I'd Have

From approximately 4:22 PM until 10:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, I rooted for a first-place team, albeit one whose claim was staked temporarily and by a mere two percentage points. Still, what a wonderful six hours and nine minutes it was…particularly the part before 7:10.

Then the lights went out. The lights went out on the […]