The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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The Living Memory of the 1962 Mets

 “His time is becoming part of history, not living memory, and we need to reach across the generations in new ways.”
—Caroline Kennedy, January 13, 2011, on her father’s presidency (1961-1963)

Mike Baxter appears to have beaten out Vinny Rottino for a spot on the 2012 Opening Day roster, though if Andres Torres isn’t ready to go, […]

Eat It

“I don’t get drunk in front of people. I get drunk alone.”
—Recovering alcoholic Leo McGarry, “Bartlet For America,” The West Wing

I might be more qualified than ever to tell you whether the Mets will sell you worthwhile food in the coming season, and not just because I took them up on their graciously issued invitation […]

The Joy of Impolite Company

I was saddened Sunday to learn of the passing of Bert Randolph Sugar, the writer and raconteur who left us in his mid-70s but seemed sent here from a much earlier age. Bert, as you probably know if you’re a sports fan, was the gravelly-voiced, twinkly-eyed fella who wore a fedora, held a stogie and […]

The Thing With Feathers

Emily Dickinson long ago wrote a poem about a thing with feathers.

She didn’t mean Mike Pelfrey, which was for the best, as Mike Pelfrey with feathers would be horrifying in a Big Bird Turned Primal Nightmare way, sticking his tongue out and clomping around the mound on scaly clawed feet. Shudder.

She meant hope — which […]

The Interloper in The Holy Books

The Holy Books have their share of oddities, from Lost Mets to weirdo minor league cards to guys with one career at-bat. But the oddest card of all comes in the section reserved for the 1961 Expansion Draft. That section includes the 22 players chosen by the Mets to stock their inaugural roster from the […]

Ready or Not

It used to be a March ritual around here, or in our email exchanges: I’d ask Greg about some non-roster player or prospect in camp, his reply would be oddly noncommittal, I’d ask what was up, and he’d admit — with ill-disguised anguish — that this year he just wasn’t feeling it, that he wasn’t […]

Rejecting Item No. 12551066

It comes in my size, but it wouldn't have fit.

A confession: since the first week of December, I’ve been window-shopping at I’ve eyed, ogled and contemplated Item No. 12551066: Miami Marlins Jose Reyes Name and Number T-Shirt by Majestic Athletic. Out of curiosity after Reyes made his free agent decision, I looked […]

Spring Fever

Lily Tomlin once wondered “what it would be like if we all became what we wanted to be when we grew up. I mean, imagine a world filled with nothing but firemen, cowboys, nurses and ballerinas.” In that fanciful spirit, imagine a world based entirely on the things we’ve seen in Spring Training.

The Mets hardly […]

What the Settlement Means...

If the Wilpons are still running this team for years to come and the Mets have been restored to some semblance of vitality because the organization is no longer distracted by an issue bigger than baseball, today’s settlement of the case concerning their involvement in the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme before it could go to […]

Land of the Declining Mets

Mets alumni news you’ve probably heard this spring:

• Jose Reyes is a Miami Marlin.
• Carlos Beltran is a St. Louis Cardinal.
• Angel Pagan is a San Francisco Giant.
• Robin Ventura is the manager of the Chicago White Sox.
• Bobby Valentine is the manager of the Boston Red Sox.

Mets alumni news you might have missed:

• Lastings […]