The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Mets of the 2000s: 70-61

Welcome to the fourth chapter of Faith and Fear’s historical countdown of the The Top 100 Mets of the 2000s. A full introduction to what we’re doing is available here. These are the more or less best Mets we rooted for as Mets fans during the decade FAFIF came to be. In honor of the […]

For Best Performance in a Met Loss...

“It feels good for me, but it would have felt even better if we had won that ballgame.”

“We lost, so I can’t get too excited. If we would’ve won, it would’ve been more exciting.”

“I just wanted to play hard, but it didn’t matter because we lost.”

“It was great while it was happening. but when they […]

Land of the Declining Mets

Mets alumni news you’ve probably heard this spring:

• Jose Reyes is a Miami Marlin.
• Carlos Beltran is a St. Louis Cardinal.
• Angel Pagan is a San Francisco Giant.
• Robin Ventura is the manager of the Chicago White Sox.
• Bobby Valentine is the manager of the Boston Red Sox.

Mets alumni news you might have missed:

• Lastings […]

The Happiest Recap: 121-123

Welcome to The Happiest Recap, a solid gold slate of New York Mets games culled from every schedule the Mets have ever played en route to this, their fiftieth year in baseball. We’ve created a dream season that includes the “best” 121st game in any Mets season, the “best” 122nd game in any Mets season, […]

My Ever Lastings Regret

Stephen Strasburg is baseball’s best pitcher. Not just now, but forever. I know it’s true because he pitched seven sensational innings Tuesday night and Bob Costas’s drool seeped through my television screen while it happened. As Strasburg struck out fourteen Pirates in seven innings, Costas all but dug up the late Walter Johnson just for […]

Our Immediate Prospects

I wish I could remember the young man’s name. I remember his age, 15. I met him last summer on an Amazin’ Tuesday at Two Boots. Big Mets fan, big fan of the blog, he said. Within a few minutes of introducing himself, he was excitedly explaining to me why the Mets would be in […]

Davis, Save Us

The Mets were meandering through their most arid major award season since 1993 — the last time no Met scored a single vote for MVP, Cy Young, Manager of the Year or Rookie of the Year nor nabbed a Silver Slugger or Gold Glove — when it appeared we’d have nothing more to sate our […]

Hands Across Shea Stadium

A couple of months ago, I was asked to compare and contrast 1986 and 2006. This wasn’t long after L’affaire Lastings, the Milledge child’s breach of protocol when he hit a game-tying homer and then nervily accepted high-fives from the fans en route to right field. I suggested to my interrogator that instead of throwing […]