The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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You Can Go Now, Winter

Oh, it’s time to start livin’
Time to take a little from this world we’re given
Time to take time
’Cause spring will turn to fall
In just no time at all….
—Berthe, from Pippin

“Hey Greg.”
“Hey Winter.”
“I’m making some sugar-free cocoa. It’ll be ready in a minute.”
“That’s OK. I don’t want any.”
“And I’m gonna fix that tear in your parka.”
“You […]

Two of a Kind (Love Affairs)

Come Monday, the Mets are slated to introduce nine men who’ve never been Mets before. When the names Scott Atchison, John Buck, Greg Burke, Marlon Byrd, Collin Cowgill, Latroy Hawkins, Brandon Lyon, Anthony Recker and Scott Rice are called, I’ll applaud because they are now part of my team. Some may disappear from the roster […]

Broad Shoulders, Deep Appreciation

I’m not the most observant person in any room when it comes to physical attributes, but I was always taken aback by Johan Santana’s shoulders. Speaking strictly as a Mets fan, I could’ve spent a lifetime on those shoulders. They seemed capable of defying latitude and going on forever — which wouldn’t be worth observing […]

They Didn't Knuckle Under

Congratulations to our three contest winners: Matthew Fillare, Kevin Connell and Franco Salandra, each of whom hunkered down and earned a DVD copy of Knuckleball, courtesy of the good folks at MPI/FilmBuff. If you didn’t win one but want to own one, that, too, can be arranged.

Here are the answers to our R.A. Dickey quiz:

1. […]

Loyal From the Core

There’s a press release getting play here and there trumpeting a magical “index” of Sports Fan Loyalty, the kind of thing that comes around on the eve of a new season. It also tends to lunge at the native lingo by suggesting “it’s critical that team marketers do accurate scouting regarding the strategic ball they […]

Celebrating a Knuckleballer's Otherness


Knuckleball is classified as a documentary, but that’s not quite right. At the very least, it should be cross-referenced as a romance. When you watch the DVD — three copies of which we’re happy to offer those who win our contest below — you’ll fall in love with R.A. Dickey […]

Five Guys Named Mets Outfielders

I’ve decided there are three junctures of the Spring Training schedule that make the endless nature of the exhibition interregnum worthwhile.

First, there’s that inaugural Spring Training broadcast, when those voices you value most greet you for the first time in a proper context in months. You might have heard them announcing hockey or college basketball […]

Hoping for Hefner

Congratulations to David Wright, named Mets captain after a distinguished, classy nine years on the field and the usual tatty nine weeks or so of Mets mini-drama, replacing what should have been a couple of hours behind closed doors.

I was briefly amused by Wright’s decision not to wear a captain’s C, as if the Mets […]

Ode from a Captain

I’m David Wright
I’ll be your captain
My club is the Mets
They’re not a nightmare I’m trapped in

My best’s what I’ll give
As I’ve always been doing
From the day I arrived
And met Joe McEwing

This is a great honor
No, I don’t need a “C”
But a little help in the outfield?
Well, that’s not up to me

My face is familiar
From my […]

Run & Read Like You Believe

Not sure whose brilliant idea it was to place the first days of spring so close to the last days of winter, but if you require something to warm you up as March’s lionlike weather persists, consider that we sit and shiver on the precipice of the 40th anniversary of the 1973 National […]