The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Hammerin’ Mets

By some stroke of coincidence, the Mets have visited Atlanta on the 30th, 40th and 50th anniversaries of Hank Aaron’s 715th career home run, which is swell, because what decent baseball fan doesn’t adore and revere the legacy of Hank Aaron? The Mets have to play the Braves at some point of every season. Might […]

Ron Hodges Backed Us Up

I have a few overriding memories of Ron Hodges’s Mets career that aren’t his signature moment in baseball.

1) Memorial Day 1976: The Mets have won the first game of a holiday doubleheader against Pittsburgh. They’re being shut out by Doc Medich in the second game. Ron Hodges hits a home run in the ninth. They […]

A Truly Golden Anniversary

In memory of the late Dennis D’Agostino and his classic book, This Date in New York Mets History, let’s remember what the Mets were up to on this date — September 20 — fifty years ago, in 1973.

It was time to carefully remove the m-word from the ark in which it had been kept undisturbed […]

Whoomp, Stare It Is

As one who doesn’t subscribe to Peacock, I couldn’t tell you what Sunday’s Mets-Angels game looked like, but from the sound of it over WCBS-AM, it was quite the staring contest. The Mets stared at the Angels. The Angels stared at the Mets. It was 0-0, 1-1 and 2-2. Two teams used to staring into […]

Team Effort, Whoever’s On the Team

It was a DJ Stewart, Rafael Ortega kind of day at Citi Field Wednesday afternoon, which wasn’t incompatible with it being a winning kind of day, for Ortega was on base four different times three different ways and Stewart socked a pair of homers and was in on a pair of sparkling defensive plays, and […]

I Could Say I'd Been to Shea

On July 11, 2023, the National League defeated the American League in an All-Star Game for the first time since 2012, which added a flourish to the 50th Anniversary celebration of this correspondent’s first game at Shea Stadium, which occurred on July 11, 1973. To commemorate the seminal occasion, I dug into the Faith and […]

Halfway to Probably Nowhere

Three series remain in advance of the All-Star break, a break that can’t come soon enough — or last long enough. I picture various Mets repairing to their country estates or wherever they live, clearing their heads at their pools or in front of their sizable video game consoles and then, properly relaxed, forgetting that […]

All 89 Mets Postseason Games Ranked

They were 89 moments in the sun, 89 moments under the spotlight, 89 days and nights of our lives when little else mattered to us. I mean more than usual.

“The Mets go melodramatic in October,” Roger Angell once wrote. “It’s in their genes.” Here we inspect the DNA and report the findings. Here we do […]

Mets Legend Willie Mays

Welcome to A Met for All Seasons, a series in which we consider a given Met who played in a given season and…well, we’ll see.

When Willie Mays returned to New York, many saw it — may God forgive them — as a trade to be debated on the merits of statistics. Could the forty-one-year-old center […]

Round and Round

Oh, those beautiful round numbers coming out of the most roundly spelled state in the union, O-H-I-O…

10 wins for the preeminent pitcher in the league.
50 homers for the most prodigious slugger in the world.
80 wins for the team that still allows us to dream.

Three-and-a-half out of where we wanna be with nine to play. That’s […]