The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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Grin and Grimace

I didn’t expect a giddy stretch related to the 2024 Mets, and yet here we are.

I was playing mini-golf and eating ice cream, meaning I was late to my assigned duties (sorry not sorry) and yet was only mildly surprised to find it was Forces of Good 7, Defending But Currently Not So Hot World […]

The Baderfly Effect

The more straightforward aspects of a baseball game don’t require much explanation. Slugger Pete Alonso hit a home run. Got it. Starter Jose Quintana didn’t walk anybody. Got it. Closer Edwin Diaz blew a save. Got it, though we wish we didn’t. Still, protagonists gonna protagonize.

The aspects of ballgame that keep a person engaged beyond […]

Easy Like a Monday Evening

After a weekend when the Mets sought out and discovered multiple ways to lose in St. Petersburg, it was a pleasant change of pace to watch them figure out how to win one in St. Louis.

They sat Pete Alonso. Given the Polar Bear’s roughly 2-for-a-thousand slump, they kind of had to.

They inserted DJ Stewart in […]

Amid Doubts, a No-Doubter

That DJ Stewart home run in the sixth inning was a thing of beauty. Soaring on a friendly trajectory. Pulled, but easily fair. For all the times fans overreact to any ball in the air, the crowd occasionally gets one that makes its Pavlovian anticipation worthwhile.

Going, going…no doubt about it, it was gone. Stewart had […]

Vibes and Other Advanced Stats

The Mets are suddenly good.

Well, not good exactly. Statistically speaking, they’re average. But in the vibes column — which you won’t find in your paper, on or Baseball Reference, so don’t look for it — the Mets are killing it.

They rose to average statistically and red hot vibe-istically by beating the Pirates in an […]

Back to the Track

The season began with plenty of warning, yet I found myself scrambling in the hours before and after Opening Day to update all the things I keep track of once the season is underway. The files I maintain for my and occasionally your amusement/edification looked like the aftermath of a party nobody had bother cleaning […]

Hammerin’ Mets

By some stroke of coincidence, the Mets have visited Atlanta on the 30th, 40th and 50th anniversaries of Hank Aaron’s 715th career home run, which is swell, because what decent baseball fan doesn’t adore and revere the legacy of Hank Aaron? The Mets have to play the Braves at some point of every season. Might […]

Welcome, THB Class of 2023!

Horrible weather, horrible offseason, horrible everything. You know what might put some pep in our collective step? Looking back at guys who made their Mets debuts during the horrible 2023 season! Some of these guys have already vanished from memory; others we merely wish we could unremember. Like I said, horrible. But they matriculated in […]

The Gods of Garbage Time

Who are these Mets, anyway?

Joey Lucchesi was terrific, Mark Vientos homered, Pete Alonso drove in three on a homerless night and — in the most astonishing development of all — Trevor Gott and Drew Smith were allowed to pitch and didn’t fall apart like cheap watches. There was a nifty flying slide home by Jeff […]