The blog for Mets fans
who like to read


Greg Prince and Jason Fry
Faith and Fear in Flushing made its debut on Feb. 16, 2005, the brainchild of two longtime friends and lifelong Met fans.

Greg Prince discovered the Mets when he was 6, during the magical summer of 1969. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. Contact him here.

Jason Fry is a Brooklyn writer whose first memories include his mom leaping up and down cheering for Rusty Staub. Check out his other writing here.

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You Gotta Can’t Believe This

The first wave of excitement crested Wednesday night with the completion of the Subway Series sweep, both this week’s and this year’s. Of course it was exciting. It was Mets 12 Yankees 3, with five home runs for the visitors who made themselves at home inside the surprisingly friendly confines of Yankee Stadium. Two for […]

Praise Be

I wanted to go home from Friday night’s game sick of “OMG”. I wanted it to be forced down my throat and stuck in my ear. I wanted it to be played to within an inch of my life. I want the Mets’ home run song to be blared incessantly because I want the Mets […]

Great Escape

When your team’s going well, you call a game like Sunday afternoon’s things like “an inspiring win” or perhaps “proof of resilience.”

When your team’s going badly, you just laugh at being randomly atop karma’s wheel for a day.

I’m not sure what to call Sunday afternoon’s game, because I’m not sure what the Mets are.

One of […]

Not This Good...Or Are They?

They’re probably not this good, are they? How could they be? Fifteen wins in nineteen games seems to give us all the answer we need, a stretch that’s unfurled since their last pairing of consecutive losses, not to mention the active streak of three victories during which the most recent ascension or explosion feels it […]

Stupid Real Life

Being a fan is inherently ridiculous.

Two weeks ago we were collectively rending our garments because the Mets were painful to watch and we were killing time waiting to a) see what they got for every upright body at the trade deadline; and b) complain about seeing Pete Alonso in the togs of the Mariners/Cubs/Giants/What-Have-Yous.

Then came […]

Christmas in June

In the sixty-eighth game of the season, our Metsies gave to us…

Sixty-Five Minutes of Waiting: The forecast in Queens promised downpours Friday night, and the downpours were indeed delivered. The only ones that delayed play came before the first pitch, which follows a 2024 pattern. Five times this year the Mets have played ball after […]

Traveling Disaster

Back in the offseason, my mental calendar had a circle drawn around June 8-9: Mets in London!

A trip could be fun, particularly if Emily and I convinced our Phillies-fan friends to join us. That plan got kicked around with vague seriousness for a while, was downgraded to maybe and then died a quiet death before […]

Chills & Blahs

I got chills several times on Saturday afternoon. The weather was beautiful, but there was something else in the air. A distinct hint of Strawberry.

Darryl Strawberry’s No. 18 was retired by the New York Mets, the sixth time in the past nine seasons that the franchise has raised a number to the rafters. In the […]

Paralleled Joy

John Olerud was at Citi Field for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May, just as he was at Shea Stadium for the Mets game on the fourth Sunday in May a quarter-century before…though “just as” might be a stretch. In 2024, Olerud was a visitor, sitting in the stands, brought to the […]

Helping Out the Mets

In the top of the first inning on Sunday afternoon, the Mets scored four runs, with Tyrone Taylor driving in two and Harrison Bader driving in two more. As soon as the third out was made, I called the visitors’ dugout in Miami. Bench coach John Gibbons answered. Gibby, I said, it’s Greg. Hi Greg, […]